Marvel Ultimate Alliance fans

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#1 Wed, 04/03/2013 - 13:04
TANK's picture
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Marvel Ultimate Alliance fans

MUA1 and 2 were great times, i enjoyed the coop experience of both a lot.  I just found out about Marvel Heroes, it's for PC only though, it's an ARPG MMO style, free to play.  Being such a fan of MUA, i'm really looking forward to this launching in June.  They have 'founder packs' available now that give pre-unlock sets of characters and costumes and give you in-game currency to spend.  But everything is unlockable without spending any money if you wish to trade money for time.

Wed, 04/03/2013 - 14:23
ThePengwn's picture
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I bought a founder's pack and have been playing the closed beta a litle bit.  I'm NDA'd, but yeah, I am glad I bought a founder's pack.

Wed, 04/03/2013 - 15:46
GbHaseo's picture
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Yeah, I've been in the Beta for a couple months now, and I really wanted to like the game a lot, but it's a really simple game, and not very challenging. The test events have been pretty lame as well so far. It's just been giant overcharged villians, doing 1 or 2 attacks over and over again while 30 ppl use spamming their melee and a power attack or two. Because most people don't wanna buy characters, there's been tons of the base 5 characters. I'm probably breaking my NDA just revealing this much so I better stop :(

Wed, 04/03/2013 - 15:51
TANK's picture
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Wel... if anyone wants to tell me more in PM i won't tattle on you LOL

Sat, 04/06/2013 - 05:51
Azuredreams's picture
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There's already been major bullshit behind the scenes with this one. Intially only offering things to founders to sell those packages only to turn around and offer it in the regular gamer's store. Quite a few other shady dealings as well. Not good eats in my opinion...sad as I was looking forward to this one.

Sun, 04/07/2013 - 23:21
GbHaseo's picture
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I don't understand why all those people paid to play, I didn't pay a dime, I just applied for a beta and got in free of charge a couple weeks later.

Tue, 04/09/2013 - 13:17
TANK's picture
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Looks like there's an open beta this weekend


Wed, 04/10/2013 - 06:26
Azuredreams's picture
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The biggest complaint I have about these games is not the games themselves. Rather it's the fans who regardless of the shady microtransactions continue to buy them. Making them bolder and even more money grubbing the next time. I honestly don't see this hobby lasting if this trend isn't nipped in the bud. 

Wed, 04/10/2013 - 10:08
TANK's picture
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Ya i can see there being a line there where it's the difference of giving me a full game vs giving me quarter of a game and charging me for the rest.


Anyway, if anyone wants to do the beta this weekend and then wants tobuy a founder pack, here's a 10% off code 10PRCNT2U


Fri, 04/12/2013 - 09:52
Shadow's picture
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if anyone wants to play MUA1 with me on XBL, shoot me a message.  recently picked it back up and I'm pretty early in the game.

Mon, 04/15/2013 - 20:50
beefynutcase's picture
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There's a guy from Marvel on Twitter who posts beta codes all the time.  I got one from him a couple months ago.  He posted this one today: MRVL-ZB0G-1TGJ-AVFF  Might still work, they tend to be multi-use codes.

Anyway, the game's a bit of a disappointment.  I've been playing off and on the last two months and with all the character wipes and having to replay the very dull first levels so many times I'm not even sure I'd wanna play this when it launches.  Plus I find the starter heroes they offer to be quite uninteresting.  Honestly none of the heroes that have been available in the beta have been much fun to play.  The ability tress are very limited.  There's nothing like the depth in games like Path of Exile or even Diablo 3.  

Being free to play I guess there's no reason not to play this when it launches, but don't expect too much from it.  I personally wouldn't spend money on it, i.e buying heroes or skins, well, maybe, maybe if they make Iron Fist or Nightcrawler playable characters, but I wouldn't spend more than a few dollars. 

Mon, 04/15/2013 - 23:49
TANK's picture
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I actually thought the skill tree was in line with diablo 3, but it's nothing compare dto PoE.  Althoug in PoE, the skil tree looks like it allows for stupid amounts of customization but the reality is that if you want to end-game, there's only a half dozen or so viable builds.    Anyway i played it alittle bit, played each of the heroes in the Marvel Knights package which is the one i'm considering playing.  Surprisingly I found Black Panther to be pretty decent, he's not a hero i know anything about.  Punisher played as I expected and i had a blast with wolverine.  Spiderman was actually the letdown.

Anyway i had a good time, i'm in for launch.  I had to deal with the character wipes in the PoE beta so I'm used to them and tend to not put a lot of time into the game when they're in constant wiipe mode.  I think the game wil be cool when it comes out, i expect there will be much more game than there is right now.  As someone who played Marvel Ultimate Alliance 1 and 2, this played very much like those games and I enjoyed them a lot and this is the same just with many more people.



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