No ability to post / comment
Wed, 03/21/2012 - 13:47
No ability to post / comment
I am getting reports through the 2old2pwn hotline that many members cannot post messages on the boards or comments on the news stories.
I guess when they visit the site is looks like the HTML code was mauled by a bear. The text is jumbled, the avatars for Blogs are streamed down the left side of the page. There aren't even visible buttons to navigate.
Confirmed this on a variety of users today, all get the same thing at varying times throughout the day.
Any idea?
I can confirm that IE 9 looks like a slaughter house. Blood, guts and body parts all over the place. At least it did until I cleared my cache. >_>
Or until mr scary admin doodi fixed it....
Second attempt to reply.
At least I can now enter text and attempt to reply.
I hope this works.
Yeah it was a dumb mistake on my part. I forgot to re-enable IE compatibility after working on the forums last night. Everything should be fine now. On a side note. IE SUCKS STOP USING IT!
Falling from %100 at the speed of sound and with reason. Horrible compatibly issues that require developers to actually have to "redevelop" their site just for IE as well as run their sites in IE mode just to make things look half right. If i could wipe IE off the face of the internet I would. If only....
To bad netscape is gone. You could switch between IE and Firefox mode on the fly.
Sorry couldn't help myself. People keep saying Halo is dead too, but it's not.