Non admins can't edit their own posts.
Fri, 03/09/2012 - 09:11
Non admins can't edit their own posts.
Just a heads up dodi. non-admins can't edit their posts right now.
For instance
in this forum, I can edit the 1st post of a thread that I started via the edit tab at the top of the page. But if I wanted to edit another of myown posts further down the thread, the edit button isn't appearing on the post fram in order for me to do so.
I can mod& edit my clan forum of course due to my admin privelages, but anywhere I don't have admin staus, it's a no-go.
This looks like it's affecting everyone from the info I've gathered from 2O4F members.
I can not edit or delete a post I make as well. We are all being very careful what we post right now. lol
Odd. Did this just start happening?
Yes. I could edit them a couple days ago. Not today though.
I think it started yesterday Doodi.
Confirmed for Win 7 IE 9 64 bit too.
Been a couple of days at least.
I can edit my OP but not the replies to my own OP.
I was a little vague yesterday, mostly because I had no clue what was going on but this was what I was talking about. Mod powers have nothing to do with it.
Am i to assume you can see no edit ability on this page? I'm trying to figure out when an where it is happening. I'm assuming it is every reply post on every forum?
True, at this moment.
I cannot see any ability to edit my reply above.
Nope. No edit ability hee. Normally the edit button appears next to the "quote" & "reply" buttons on each individual post, but it's not there.
Doodi, bene like that for awhile. I saw the bug report here so I didn't report it. But here's an example
Seems to have happened when I put the mod's back into the site. Ill have to back track a bit. Seems like you first saw it on the 7th.
Holy shit I'm dumb. I some how managed to go into every forum and take away editing if the user is NOT a moderator.
/face palm
Well then, maybe I should get a bit of sleep before I try to "fix" any more issues. I'll get this fixed today. Sorry about that. Thanks for helping me track it down though, this is the type of bug fixing I like!
I'm still going to leave this post open until I'm sure this is the cause. I'll check back with you guys once I'm done fixing the forums
Looks like we're all good now Doodi.
not fixed. i still only have the edit & delete options on my OPs. when i responded to a thread, still nothing.
Yes still no edit or delete button for me either.
Doodi, from a mod perspective if that helps, I see the edit button in all main forum posts but not in the forum/groups I'm a member of which I'm lacking mod power in. In these forums I can still edit OP's post but no follow up posts including my own.
Well it was fixed when I got up this morning. Now it's not working again lol.
I can edit anybodies post, including my own, in the Halo forum. No moderating privileges, at least none that I know how to use.
I cannot edit my own reply posts in forums other than the Halo forum.
You are currently a mod in Halo.
As for the other edit issue, I have the cause tracked down but I just ran out of time to put up the fix. It's something I have to take down the site for and run a database fix on so I'm just trying to get the planning right with all the other problems I'm fixing.
Basically, I don't want to fix one thing only to break another.
When you edit a post, you should see some publishing options beneat it. You'll see options to publish/unpublist, Sticky etc. There are actually 3 boxes. Each has different functions. "revision info, Publishing options, & comment settings. Click the boes to see the options in each one.
I am surprised at my failure to press those buttons. My modus operandi is to press first, apologise later.
Glad I could help bro. I've been wearing things out trying to learn the new site. I think I've got most of it figured out now.Hit me up if I can hel out in any way. Maybe I can take some pressure off Doodi if i can help folks learn how stuff works.