PC Voice client advice
Fri, 07/27/2012 - 17:42
PC Voice client advice
So us mechwarriors are wanting to get some sorta voice client server for ourselves. We know a bunch of you gots plenty of experience with purchasing time/slots on servers or something. Ya I'm looking at you WoW addicts! We were hoping to have some kinda ability to allow other users to donate so one person isnt responsible for the whole cost and whatnot. How are you guys liking mumble? I know when SWTOR came out yous all tried that out. Did it live up to expectations?
Please say your peace if you have any advice. Thanx
There are several VIOP options to choose from. The 2 most popular are Mumble and Ventrilo. They are very similiar and you can't go wrong with either option. Some other choices are Teamspeak and Skype. I've never used either of those. Finally there's Raidcall. While I never tried it, it is completely free.
I've never purchased any servers, so super familiar with that.
Well I like free! Perhaps looking into raidcall is a good idea.
Mumble is free and seems to have the support of 2o2p. It's a pretty easy install and it goes thru some calibration stuff too to make sure the volume levels are good.
I thought with mumble you actually have to pay for your group to use space on the server. It seems that on the website you pay for how many people would be on it at the same time/month....
Ah ok you may be right on that, i just know i downloaded the client and connected to the 2o2p server to use and none of it cost me a penny :)
the user client is free for mumble, but Doodi has purchased access to the server. PM him and see if you guys can work something out if you decide to go with mumble.
That would be nice to piggy back onto 2o2p's mumble. But I hate to bother doodi when as Lala has informed me, Raidcall is free and available. We will give that a shot first and if it fails I'll see if the Don can do me a favor lol.
Thanx for the advice guys
Mumble is free if you run the server on your own machine, which I imagine is how raidcall works. Teamspeak might also have a free DIY option.
You can also get a free 5 person mumble server if that's enough slots.
Sam i suppose running a server off one of our pc's is an option. Maybe one of the guys might leave there pc online 24/7. If so thats an alternative as well. Thanx. Ya as for more then 5 members, it looks like we should have more but then again maybe we wont. Only time will tell as the game isn't officially released yet.