Petition to stop Day 1 DLC
Tue, 08/21/2012 - 10:37
Petition to stop Day 1 DLC
I wrote this petition, and I hope it speaks for gamers everywhere
Whoa, I remember you.
Yeah, still around on and off. Doodi, if it's not too much to ask, would you put this on the front page. All us gamers are wallet-raped by this and I hope we can make a change.
The best petition will always be the simplest: just don't buy it.
Even better: Return the game you purchased if Day 1 DLC isn't announced beforehand, or cancel a pre-order once it's been confirmed and never buy the product in the first place.
Maybe instead of a petition, a pledge would work better. Get gamers to sign a pledge not to buy games with Day1 DLC and not to buy Day1 DLC. It'll only take one blockbuster title with sales insufficient to cover the fixed costs of the producer in the short term to shock producers into stopping the practice.
30-60 days after launch should do it.
Normally I am okay with Day 1 DLC. Within the realm of Halo I haven't seen it abused and it did happen with Halo Wars, I think. It might have been a different Halo product.
If the pricing and marketing are done appropriately, it can actually save some people some money. Lots of people only buy games for the campaign and usually DLC has been for multiplayer.
I am not saying you are wrong, I just don't know of a case that was important to me.
I've never seen any day 1 dlc that was worth paying for, and nobody ever put a gun to my head to make me buy it. I don't even use preorder bonus codes because it's just a bunch of cosmetic fluff.
Stop worrying so much about not having every piece of content for the games you buy and only buy games and DLC that give you a good value for your money.
I can see why it would put a bug up some people's ass. I just laid out $60 and you want more? Let's be honest here- you know they very well could have put that material on the disk before it went gold and just chose not to. If the DLC includes maps and upgraded weapons that the common folk have to unlock, or worse, go without, then I'm very much against it. Thing that lets it slide for me is that if it has impact zero impact on the gameplay, if it's a clever fedora for my pyro or a gun skin for my Brink (ugh, I hate typing that word) parkour guy, then whatever. If people are going to pay up for digital dressup and there's a market for it ...well, you know what they say about a fool and his money.
Goddamn it, Taxi. We try not to mention that fucking game.
...Ah, the possibilities....
At least it wasn't Homefront.
One person liked Homefront.
I liked it.
Depending on what the DLC is, I don't necessarily mind it. In something like Mass Effect where it's a mission and a character that's something they clearly could have added to the game and just purposefully kept out to charge people even more. But for something like Gears or CoD where you can pre pay all the DLC on day 1 and you wind up getting something like weapon skins or emblems, I'm all for that.
If companies can make extra money, they'll do it every time. A petition isn't going to stop anything. Best thing you can do is just not buy it with the knowledge that thousands of other people are buying it instead.
And Homefront had potential! If it weren't for the craptastic servers, terrible graphics, 2 second long campaign it could have been a good game.
This crap has happened for years with MMORPG games. Buy the new expansion and it takes years for them to make available all the content on the disk.
I've fine with Day 1 DLC if i know the studio had a dedicated team working on something in parallel with the games' development. What i'm not OK with is stuff being held from the game and sold to me at an extra cost, or even worse, selling me DLC that's really an unlock code for shit on the disc i just bought. I actually think that should be an illegal.
But DLC sales are the highest the first few weeks the game comes out . The longer it takes to get the DLC out the door, the sales drop accordingly. Since i personally rarely play a game longer than 4 weeks, I would prefer DLC content sooner in the pipeline . It doesn't necessarily need to be day1 DLC but certainly Month 1 DLC would make me happiest.
bring it on - I want my DLC day 1 and on the disc. It's coming anyway - might as well be as convinient as possible for me if I CHOOSE to buy it.
I told myself I wouldn't come back and try to convince poeple that the petition is the right way to go. Questions have come up and I want to share additional input.
I do not hate Day 1 Season passes, cosmetic DLC, etc. My complaint is against Day 1 game add-ons that will dumb down my experience if I do not buy the content. Granted, how does a major platform differentiate against expansion style DLC and cosmetic DLC? They shouldn't have to. Just give it a 30 day window and let gamers breathe a little.
Can you name a game that requires the day 1 DLC to enjoy it?
I've never seen that happen, but if thatt's really the case then maybe the game isn't worth buying on day 1 at all?
It sounds like what you really want is 0 day 1 DLC and just charge and extra $10 for the game? I mean, the games cost the same $59.99 today that they did 5 years ago. I have a feeling this is just the publishers way of recouping inflationary costs.
Sounds more like he's opposed to the instant peer pressure from having your buddies already having content you feel forced to buy to simply keep up and play with your friends?
Just a guess on my part, don't know him..gif)
I know we run into instances on Forza with people that don't have a specific car or track sometimes, but we usually try to tailor the events so that everyone can participate.