Maybe it's my age but i really hate this new 'tile' layout everyone is going to. I'd rather have less cosmetics and more real info on the screen that's easier to find. All this grid/tile crap wastes a lot of usable screen space. Just give me a text list for crying out loud. LoL Give me a DOS overlay, Load "Halo4" ,8,1 <return> = happy!
I agree tank. I hate the new windows 8 tile screen. Why is it there? It's like going back to having a load of shortcut icons on your desktop that won't go away.
Does anyone else not like the idea of having "real life" photos and profiles? I think we all like the anonymity of xboxlive the way it is. Do I really want my boss and all my facebook friends and family to know I'm teabagging timmy at 3pm in the afternoon.
That's a good point Ciaran it's very similar to shortcuts but bigger and boxier, and to their credit more informative at times but still. What do I do as soon as I log in to my Windows 8 machine? hit the window key which shows the desktop like Windows 7. :) The more I think about it, what do I do with that space? I have a picture of Ragnorok as my desktop that it's pretty but that's really all I use that space for until an app opens. I guess the tiles do make better use of that space before an app is opened... Damn it did I just find a reason to like it?!...
The XMB was near perfection for how I like to operate. I find the 360 interface horrible, the windows 8 interface horrible, the PSN Store horrible and this looks to be more inline with those big clunky slow graphics heavy I assume it's going to be horrible as well.
Maybe it's my age but i really hate this new 'tile' layout everyone is going to. I'd rather have less cosmetics and more real info on the screen that's easier to find. All this grid/tile crap wastes a lot of usable screen space. Just give me a text list for crying out loud. LoL Give me a DOS overlay, Load "Halo4" ,8,1 <return> = happy!
I agree tank. I hate the new windows 8 tile screen. Why is it there? It's like going back to having a load of shortcut icons on your desktop that won't go away.
Does anyone else not like the idea of having "real life" photos and profiles? I think we all like the anonymity of xboxlive the way it is. Do I really want my boss and all my facebook friends and family to know I'm teabagging timmy at 3pm in the afternoon.
That's a good point Ciaran it's very similar to shortcuts but bigger and boxier, and to their credit more informative at times but still. What do I do as soon as I log in to my Windows 8 machine? hit the window key which shows the desktop like Windows 7. :) The more I think about it, what do I do with that space? I have a picture of Ragnorok as my desktop that it's pretty but that's really all I use that space for until an app opens. I guess the tiles do make better use of that space before an app is opened... Damn it did I just find a reason to like it?!...
The XMB was near perfection for how I like to operate. I find the 360 interface horrible, the windows 8 interface horrible, the PSN Store horrible and this looks to be more inline with those big clunky slow graphics heavy I assume it's going to be horrible as well.