What Parcells does and how he addresses his online persona is no ones business but Parcells. Except of course Sarcasmo. I would do anything to get on his good side but alas that lofty goal has escaped me to-date but Parcells doesn’t give up that easy.
What Parcells does and how he addresses his online persona is no ones business but Parcells. Except of course Sarcasmo. I would do anything to get on his good side but alas that lofty goal has escaped me to-date but Parcells doesn’t give up that easy.
Because GTA!!!!
Personally I'm hoping for a PC release announcement. They will really be leaving out a huge amount of profit if they don't.
Microsoft debuts a game "Brothers"
Not to be outdone, Sony plans to debut "Two Brothers"
two is better than one.
I don't know about anybody else but I really enjoy you popping into ps4 threads to shit talk.
Count Parcells in that group Biznass. The child like petty bickering keeps my work day less boring.
Does Parcells always always refer to Parcells in the 3rd person? Just curious. It's kinda boss. Maybe throw a 'The' in front for +1 badassery.
The Parcells.
lol. you know I was joking, right?
lol. you know I was joking, right?
# 1 rule of jokes is if you have to explain it, it's not that funny.
or you don't have a sense of humor...
I may have to explain some Arrested Development to you but that doesn't mean it's not funny
I'm pretty sure I do. I've just seen that joke from you more than once.
I'm sure Arrested Development is a hoot.
which joke? the one I just made up for the first time? I think we may have in bizarro world.....
alright, who drank the absinthe? come on, you know who you are!!!
What Parcells does and how he addresses his online persona is no ones business but Parcells. Except of course Sarcasmo. I would do anything to get on his good side but alas that lofty goal has escaped me to-date but Parcells doesn’t give up that easy.
What were we talking about?