Raptr Next Gen Game Tracking
Tue, 11/26/2013 - 12:12
Raptr Next Gen Game Tracking
I noticed that Raptr is not tracking time played/achievements for the XBone yet. The only semi-relevant information I could find was an article criticizing Sony for its lack of cooperation with Raptr in regards to tracking...nothing that would indicate when Raptr would support the new consoles. If anyone has information about this then please share it here. Thanks.
Trueachievements is already, even the app achieves. So it's possible, they're just not doing it yet I guess.
Last time i checked xbox.com, they where' showing my ONE titles on there yet that i'd gotten achievements on. Just checked again... xbox.com doesn't show any of my activity or achievements since selling my xbox 360 stuff back on the 17th.
So if Microsoft can't get their shit together, it's hard to expect 3rd parties to be able to work well with them.
Yeah, noticed that myself last night on xbox.com... I wonder why they don't seem prepared for the release of their own new console?
yeah that is really bugging me. However the Xbox One tab sends you to get the smart glass app - maybe they're just focusing on that now instead of the website.
The xbox website should be completely integrated with the one I think. I tried to use smartglass last night but it couldnt connect with my console. Never had any problems with 360. Just another example of a rush job all round.
haven't had problems connecting smart glass to my console. the new app is so much better - try opening the 360 app and watch the circle spin for 20 seconds before loading the app. X1 app is instant. Connect always connects and will pull up options for systems to choose if you want which is nice.