R.I.P MCA (Adam Yauch)
Fri, 05/04/2012 - 14:32
R.I.P MCA (Adam Yauch)
One of the members of my favorite bands, the Beastie Boys, died today of cancer. While that sucks I will always have fond memories of seeing them play at Lalalpalooza in the early 90's. I have seen this band more times than I can remember and deeply saddened I will never get to see another show.
Thanks for the memories. I had a blast.
Fuck cancer
That does suck. He was only 47 too. I've been listening to them since Licensed to ill was released. First track I heard was Paul Revere, still rocks. Check your Head and ill communication are my two favorite albums.
I guess they delayed a tour and album because of his recovery from the cancer. I hope this album rocks. One last hurrah. RIP MCA
Gonna be remebered forever.
God speed.
The Beasties rocked! Lic. to Ill was one of my favorite albums. I am sure a can remeber all the lyrics if a tune came on the radio.
same here. every time a song comes on, all the lyrics just come rushing back to me.
huge loss.
Even tho I am an avid metalhead.....I always liked Beastie Boys.....License to ill was my Jr High bus ride soundtrack!! RIP MCA
Sad to see one of the pioneers of hip-hop pass on. Beastie's will be on a continuous loop this weekend.
"So how we gonna kick it, gonna kick it root down"
I'm bummed by his passing too. I didn't start listening to them until I heard the song "So Whatcha Want" on MTV. So ,I was late to the party. Still one of my favorite tracks. I loved all the albums, but Hello Nasty is probably my favorite.
Yes, a HUGE loss indeed.
He died? I didn't even know he was ill?...
Too soon?
I was in sixth grade when license to ill hit and it was huge to me. I loved every song and I still keep a CD in my car to jam out to it. A truly original band that brought rap to the suburbs. RIP MCA.
Coldplay's tribute to MCA. While I'm not a Coldplay fan, this is a pretty cool rendition of the song.