Umm guys, the link that was posted to Fox news is actually Fox news reporting that a CNN reporter(Deb Feyerick) asked Bill Nye if meteors and asteroids were related to global warming. So ugh, yea, pots & kettles.
Rick's right though. I have no idea how these people get these jobs. Is that really the best question she could come up with?
I think the dumbass AT CNN probably was trying to put together this much more cohesive (if not equally stupid) chain of thoughts: "Global Warming" causes weaknesses and "holes" in the ozone layer. The ozone layer protects the earth from all kinds of bad shit (radiation and some forms of debris). Small asteroids and meteors impact the atmosphere all the time and usually burn up in the upper atmosphere long before they make planetfall (we call em' shooting stars). If the ozone is weakening, then perhaps more of these less than friendly items will actually make it through and impact the surface.
I am really reaching to try and explain this persons clumsy question but my guess is that is where they were heading.
Besides, nobody on FoxNews would have originated that because they all know that "Global Warning" is a liberal conspiracy to destroy 'Merica. ;)
However, what everybody forgets is that oxygen can only stop so many things, and gigantic fuck'all chunks of heavy metal isn't one of them. Something gets through all the time. Sooner or later another really BIG fuck'all chunk is going to cause another tourist attraction somewhere...
Pretty crazy. On a related note, Fox News is a bunch of dumasses!!{%22605969822762946%22%3A576229815739424}&action_type_map={%22605969822762946%22%3A%22og.likes%22}&action_ref_map=[]
I'm pretty sure Bill wanted to punch that lady in the face for saying something that stupid!
News Anchor: this metor falling (from OUTER SPACE) due to global warming?
Bill Nye: what did 5 fingers say to the face? SLAP BITCH!
News Anchor: *cry*
Did they try and blame it on Obama LoL
yes....but he blamed Bush!!!!
its amazing that some of these reporters actually get jobs, and make tons of money....especially when they are as stupid as that!!!!
One twitter tweet said...."Dinosaurs were unavailable to comment on the effects of global warmng an asteroids" lol
Umm guys, the link that was posted to Fox news is actually Fox news reporting that a CNN reporter(Deb Feyerick) asked Bill Nye if meteors and asteroids were related to global warming. So ugh, yea, pots & kettles.
Rick's right though. I have no idea how these people get these jobs. Is that really the best question she could come up with?
I think the dumbass AT CNN probably was trying to put together this much more cohesive (if not equally stupid) chain of thoughts: "Global Warming" causes weaknesses and "holes" in the ozone layer. The ozone layer protects the earth from all kinds of bad shit (radiation and some forms of debris). Small asteroids and meteors impact the atmosphere all the time and usually burn up in the upper atmosphere long before they make planetfall (we call em' shooting stars). If the ozone is weakening, then perhaps more of these less than friendly items will actually make it through and impact the surface.
I am really reaching to try and explain this persons clumsy question but my guess is that is where they were heading.
Besides, nobody on FoxNews would have originated that because they all know that "Global Warning" is a liberal conspiracy to destroy 'Merica. ;)
However, what everybody forgets is that oxygen can only stop so many things, and gigantic fuck'all chunks of heavy metal isn't one of them. Something gets through all the time. Sooner or later another really BIG fuck'all chunk is going to cause another tourist attraction somewhere...
...or another ice-age. One or the other.
Yes I meant CNN not Fox News. They usually are the idiots.
apparently the fragments are selling for more than what gold goes for.. DAMNNNNN