Time for a new gaming headset. Need suggestions please

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#1 Mon, 01/28/2013 - 10:15
xBIGWIGx's picture
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Time for a new gaming headset. Need suggestions please

As the title says, it may be time for a new headset. I have a Tritton ax720 that is starting to fail. And luckily its tax refund time, yay. I like my Tritton's but am concerned now that they are owned by MadCatz that they may not be as good as they were. The Tritton's were around $125 at the time, looking to spend around the same. I know Turtle Beach is good, but does anyone have any other suggestions? Just making sure I use every outlet to get as much info as possible, since I end up using the damn things 5 or 6 nights a week, lol.

I don't mind cables, and actually kind of prefer Wired models, as I dont like having to replace batteries. Definitely want surround sound, and reliability matters of course.

Thanks for any tips or suggestions you can give

Mon, 01/28/2013 - 13:14
Sherb's picture
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I've got a couple pair of Turtle Beaches.....never again.  One set of over complicated to get up and running.  The other set works well enough, but the quality of materials is crap.  One of the earcup wishbones broke while putting them on my head (less than a month old).  Let just say their customer service would be better if they scraped the rats out of the sewers.  Utterly fricking worthless.  Still using them patched together with a super glue / baking soda homebrew epoxy.  Trying to get a replacement part from them has been like barking up a tree.....

The quality difference between an $80 pair of Turtle Beaches compared to my AKG headphones ($95) is absurd.  The TBs are in no way, shape, or form in the same class.  They are probably about the equivalent of what I would expect for $40.

But that's my personal experience.  A lot of people seem to like them.  But to me, what you get for the money, seems to fall far short of my expectations.

Mon, 01/28/2013 - 15:24
fatLUNCH's picture
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I think i faired a little better with my Turtle Beach X41's than most *knock on wood*

Yes, did it take some trial and error to get them to work right.  But damn do they help when trying to hear footsteps or direction of incoming fire!  I have a set of recharable AA's (4ea) so I can have 2 in use while 2 are charged and ready to go.  This aviods having to buy new batteries.

Were they a little bit of $. Yes, but worth every penny.  You get what you pay for, and if you have concern about them breaking, buy an extended warranty. 

Tue, 01/29/2013 - 11:27
TANK's picture
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I've had two sets of Trittons and my latest set is the wireless Turtle Beach px51's i guess (they're re-branded modern warefare 2 edition ones).  I like the flexibility of the turtles, you can program them to enhance footsteps and stuff.  The wireless does owrk ok but sometimes i'll get static, it's important to keep other 2.5ghz stuff away.  The newest turtles though use a wifi signal or soemthing or 5ghz i think, anyway they're suppose to be really good.

I found the tritton build quality to be a little on the low side, i think the build quality of my turtles is higher. 

Of course Astros now have a wireless set and Razer have some now too i think, dont' have experience with either just know they're really expensive.

Wed, 01/30/2013 - 10:16
H2Daddy's picture
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Thu, 01/31/2013 - 22:40 (Reply to #5)
Lala Calamari's picture
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H2Daddy wrote:



This.  I know  you stated a lower budget, but these are bad ass. 

Wed, 01/30/2013 - 10:28
Oldschool 2o4f's picture
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I have X-11's, Bought 'em on sale, $40.00 and they're great, a year old or more and no problems what so ever.

First thing I did was point to them and tell my kids, do not touch...

Wed, 01/30/2013 - 12:47
Lbsutke's picture
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You could also do something like getting the astro mixamp and then getting the Siberia V2 headset and cross platform audio mixer. That way you can always switch up headphones if the phones/mic go bad. The Astro mixamp  will take any headset with the 3.5 mm jack. In combination with the Steel series audio mixer you can still plug into your xbox controller for game talk.


But I know a few of our guys like the Tritton Warheads, Astros a40's, a50's and I think Turtle beach has that new 7 series line coming out.

Wed, 01/30/2013 - 13:39
fatLUNCH's picture
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one alternative my brother did was use the output from his receiver to go into his bose head set, then he wears his mic around his neck.  Kinda the redneck thing to do, but hey it works!  And he then has noise canceling headphones.

Wed, 01/30/2013 - 23:44
Fiery's picture
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Ive had great luck with Turtle Beach over the years. I have X11's now and love them.
Fri, 02/01/2013 - 13:35
xBIGWIGx's picture
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So it came down to two options, the Turtle Beach x42's and the Tritton ax720+. The Astros looked great and had great reviews, but yeah, the price was a little high for me. Ended up going with the Turtle Beach. Gamestop was having a sale too which was nice. The Trittons have a new design and honestly, they looked really bulky and cheap looking (pretty sure my massive dome woulda stretched them too far and they'd crack). Not really suprised considering MadCatz owns them now.

Thanks for the suggestions everyone, much appreciated.

Sat, 02/02/2013 - 19:12
Lbsutke's picture
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pics or it didn't happen!!

Sat, 02/02/2013 - 22:25
CMA's picture
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I have MLG edition wireless a40s (has  wires too I never use them wirelessly because I hate batteries) I would be willing to part with. Still won't be turtle beach cheap but they won't be turtle beach suck either. But let me know if you are interested. PM me. 

Sun, 02/03/2013 - 13:34
CProRacing's picture
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Ive had my X-11s for over a year now and had no issues at all!

Would be lost without them as I use them for my PC and Xbox.

Tue, 02/05/2013 - 16:11
Hunturic's picture
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Does, anyone have experience with the Tritton Warheads?

Fri, 02/08/2013 - 11:17 (Reply to #15)
Lbsutke's picture
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Hunturic wrote:

Does, anyone have experience with the Tritton Warheads?


BC Kinetic and Freynapthier (Bubba) have them and they really like them.

Wed, 02/06/2013 - 11:37
SweetMeef's picture
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I had a set of Tritton AX360s (wired) and TB X41s (wireless) that I eventually upgraded to the Tritton AX Pros and TB XP500 headphones. 

I like the optical passthrough (input+output) of the TB base to send the audio to my receiver, and I love the talkback feature of the TBs where I can hear what I'm saying without sounding like I'm underwater. Since the XP500s are wireless, you don't get the "boominess" of wired headsets with good low end, but the sound quality is great nonetheless. The AX Pros are great from an audio quality perspective, but for me, the wireless cans are just more convenient, so I use them most of the time.

Wed, 02/06/2013 - 13:21
clewis199's picture
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I have been using Turtle Beach's for years with no problem what so ever, but if I had the money I would have Astros.

Fri, 02/08/2013 - 14:21
Hunturic's picture
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Thanks LB.   I just picked up a pair of Turtle Beach xp500.....at Best Buy. They matched Amazon.com price of $169, instant saving of $100!!!! Plus, if they don't work or I have wireless interferance, I have real store to take them back and or exchange for a different model! 

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