This is too funny. AngryJoeShow BF4 EA rant.
Wed, 11/13/2013 - 15:12
This is too funny. AngryJoeShow BF4 EA rant.
Not anti-DICE. Not anti-BF4. Very anit-EA. I found it hilarious.
Can we get this guy playing Halo 4?
I like his style.
Very funny. I have to agree. Just to beat CoD out they released an unfinished game. I would rather the game get delayed and be ready to play instead of having to wait for patches to fix the game.
The exact same thing happened regarding Halo 4. Seems like companies aren't learning any lessons.
Seems to me they've learned we keep buying them.
Hilarious!! Great find!
That he is.
I love this guy. If you don't watch him you should. He does a great job.
Off to see what other videos he has done
Do you think EA will watch this? Although the video now has over 400,000 views
Wow, he mad. I get that day one patches (buggy product) are more commonplace nowadays, but for die-hard PC gamers this has only been happening for DECADES.
Thanks deep just spent the past few hours watching this guy!
Worst game EVER!