Tue, 08/28/2012 - 13:34
I've been watching the live twitter feed on hurricane Isaac here and I can't believe the questions some people are tweeting.
Example: "Will I be able to get in to so and so Louisana on Thursday for my vacation?"
Really? Fucking Really?!
Am I wrong in thinking this qualifies as #majordickmove?
Peoples lives and homes on the line and these people are worried about missing their vacation.....
Misplaced priorities...in the land of ME ME ME!!!
I preach this BS everyday.....you'd be surprised how many people look at me like I'm crazy..gif)
Sooo,....... that's a no...???
It's sad to see the deep level of narcisism in people these days.
why didn't you just tweet back to me? you didn't have to go and post here...
"Will I be able to get in to so and so Louisana on Thursday for my vacation?"
"Yes, bring 5000 gallons of drinking water, oh, and wear your swimsuit."