What does your gaming set up look like?

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#1 Thu, 02/21/2013 - 08:21
hyghwayman's picture
Last seen: 7 years 7 months ago
Joined: 06/29/2007 - 23:00

What does your gaming set up look like?

I have been a gamer since the days of Pong, technology sure has changed / advanced. Back in those days I played on a 19" black & white analog TV with the built-in TV speakers. Fast forward to today, we have HD displays, multichannel audio and powerful gaming rigs from PC to consoles. I'm a Xbox gamer today but have played on all platforms - so no flaming others for what system they chose to play on! 

With all of that being said, what are you using to get your gaming fix in? Please post pictures ( they say 1 pic is worth a 1000 words ) , I'll begin with a couple pics of my system, as it has evolved over the last 7yrs.

Original Xbox on a SD 32" JVC, surround sound over some whimpy 40w HTiB speakers. (2006)


New 34" Sony HDTV, Xbox 360 and stands for TV / audio gear w/ same whimpy speakers. (2007)


My current system, same TV, Xbox 360s, Pioneer 7.2 SS system and Tritton AX Pro gaming headset. (2012)


Thanks for looking,

Wed, 02/27/2013 - 17:09
tocleora's picture
Last seen: 8 years 6 months ago
Joined: 01/20/2008 - 23:00

No one responded to this? I'd be curious to see others.  I know we had a similar thread a long time ago, is it retrievable?  I think others should see Dixon's setup from back then...

This was my setup when I was married:

I really liked it, everything was right there I had minimal movement to change discs or systems and the monitor size kept me from having to move my head a lot.  If other people in the house didn't game I'd go back to this configuration in a heartbeat.

New configuration isn't anything special, the PlayStation 3 is now on a 60" LCD in the living room with a sound bar.  Mostly gets used for renting movies through Amazon Instant Video.  One XBox 360 is in the boys room aka the game room on a 48" LCD. That's the one we game on the most, it also has the Wii and my X4's are there.  My older son has a futon bunk bed so we have a couch to sit on and play when he's not sleeping. But we usually just bring stools in so we can see the TV better.  Then we have a smaller LCD (I'd guess ~30") in the bedroom with the second XBox 360. We also have a Google TV in there which is mostly what gets used, watching Netflix mostly.  My gaming machine (in the bottom of the picture) is now the only thing connected to that monitor and sits on my desk in the bedroom.  It's rarely used because I have an Asus gaming laptop too.  But even it's mostly used for work these days. Yes, I'm surprised I have a girlfriend as well.

Wed, 02/27/2013 - 18:54
Sherb's picture
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Wed, 02/27/2013 - 22:18
tocleora's picture
Last seen: 8 years 6 months ago
Joined: 01/20/2008 - 23:00

That's bad ass sherb!!!

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