Windows Phone 8, Windows 8 and Surface help offered

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#1 Fri, 01/18/2013 - 16:27
TMAN_UVA's picture
Last seen: 11 years 1 month ago
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Windows Phone 8, Windows 8 and Surface help offered

This is not an advert, but an offer to help if needed. As I’m gaming with many of you online, I occasionally hear someone mention that they have a Windows Phone8 or a Surface or new PC/laptop/tablet with Windows 8. First, for those that have given our new products a go, thank you for your business. Assuredly there are many options on the market today to satisfy your connection needs, so giving us a chance is greatly appreciated.

Certainly our new products are different (we hope better, for you) from older products. Within my own family I have seen some make the transition to our new devices smoothly, while others have needed a few tips. Therefore I thought I’d make the offer to all of you in 2o2p to contact me if you have purchased one of our new products and have a few questions or just looking for some short cuts. Certainly we have a nice collection of FAQs and tips on Windows and Windows Phone sites, but perhaps you haven’t quite found what you’re looking for there. If that’s the case, feel free to send me a PM so we can setup a time to chat about your new toy.

Lastly, having been in this online community for nearly 7 years, I know there are quite a few wise guys out there (myself included), so I just hope that by opening up to helping this community that I don’t incur a plethora of snarky retorts or induce a flame war with Apple/Andorid/etc. fan boys since that wasn’t the intent of this post.  



Fri, 01/18/2013 - 16:37
fatLUNCH's picture
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 When you say "our new products" did you help create them? ;)

I am an avid fanboy of Windows 8 and Windows Phone 8.  I love the ignorance out there from people saying it sucks, when they themself have never touched or played with a Windows 8 device.

In my work life I help support Windows 8 - in presales, licensing and readiness support.  If i can help in any way ill try.

Fri, 01/18/2013 - 17:43 (Reply to #2)
TMAN_UVA's picture
Last seen: 11 years 1 month ago
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fatLUNCH wrote:

 When you say "our new products" did you help create them? ;)

No I was not on any of the dev teams, but as a devices and services company we are no longer a collection of individual businesses, and therefore own our successes and failures as One Microsoft. 

Sun, 01/20/2013 - 10:21 (Reply to #3)
fatLUNCH's picture
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TMAN_UVA wrote:

fatLUNCH wrote:

 When you say "our new products" did you help create them? ;)

No I was not on any of the dev teams, but as a devices and services company we are no longer a collection of individual businesses, and therefore own our successes and failures as One Microsoft. 

so you work for a Microsoft Partner then?  If so, do you sell more than Windows 8, like Online Services?

I support Microsoft's partners, is the reason i ask.

Fri, 01/18/2013 - 17:06
devast8r's picture
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I have a Surface and have a question that I couldn't find a solution for online anywhere else.  I was using the default audio player to listen to mp3 files.  I was trying to type out an outline of the mp3 (lectures).  Everytime I paused the player and typed a little when I pressed play it would skip forward 30-60 seconds or so.  This made what I was doing almost impossible.  If you pressed pause and pressed play within a few seconds it would not skip.  Leaving it paused for any duration longer than that it would skip.  Any thoughts?

Fri, 01/18/2013 - 17:50 (Reply to #5)
TMAN_UVA's picture
Last seen: 11 years 1 month ago
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devast8r wrote:

I have a Surface and have a question that I couldn't find a solution for online anywhere else.  I was using the default audio player to listen to mp3 files.  I was trying to type out an outline of the mp3 (lectures).  Everytime I paused the player and typed a little when I pressed play it would skip forward 30-60 seconds or so.  This made what I was doing almost impossible.  If you pressed pause and pressed play within a few seconds it would not skip.  Leaving it paused for any duration longer than that it would skip.  Any thoughts?

Hah, I was hoping for something a bit more simple, like, "how do you take a screenshot on my Windows Phone8?"  I haven't experienced your issue Devast8r. Please tell me the file location of the MP3 you are playing (hard drive, Micros SD, USB drive, Skydrive, etc.) and I'll try to replicate this weekend and send you a PM.

Fri, 01/18/2013 - 19:11
devast8r's picture
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Files are on the hard drive.  I'm not sure if it is simply the duration of the pause or if it has to do with switching to other apps (Word) and then back to the music app.

Tue, 01/22/2013 - 12:49 (Reply to #7)
TMAN_UVA's picture
Last seen: 11 years 1 month ago
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devast8r wrote:

Files are on the hard drive.  I'm not sure if it is simply the duration of the pause or if it has to do with switching to other apps (Word) and then back to the music app.

I'll send you a PM so we can work through this as I couldn't replicate the problem this weekend.

Tue, 01/22/2013 - 12:51 (Reply to #8)
TMAN_UVA's picture
Last seen: 11 years 1 month ago
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devast8r wrote:

Files are on the hard drive.  I'm not sure if it is simply the duration of the pause or if it has to do with switching to other apps (Word) and then back to the music app.

PM sent

Fri, 01/18/2013 - 22:04
DEEP_NNN's picture
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As you saw from my Surfacing article, I rather like my Surface RT 32GB/no keyboard. Two and a half months in and still loving it. I bought a 64GB Sandisk Class 10 MicroSD memory card for it in case I want to carry around more data.

I turn it on for breakfast. Give it to my Wife for games. Sit down with it for coffee in the afternoon. Give it back to my Wife for games. Watch my Wife's TV shows, while Surfacing. ;)  Sometimes take it to bed to do a final web check or play a Youtube video. More than half my 2old2play time is on my Surface. It would be more if this website let me put in carriage returns to break up the text.

The biggest issue I've had was a few times it didn't want to turn on. My successful solution was to hold the On button for 30 seconds until the vibrator gave a chirp then one more button press.

The damn thing is great!

I really am hoping Microsoft comes out with its own phone before I renew my Cell contract next Fall.

Sat, 01/19/2013 - 10:19
SquatterBag's picture
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I got an easy one for you. How do I adjust the screen time out on the surface?

Tue, 01/22/2013 - 13:11 (Reply to #11)
TMAN_UVA's picture
Last seen: 11 years 1 month ago
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SquatterBag wrote:

I got an easy one for you. How do I adjust the screen time out on the surface?

Answering this in the forum as it might be a common question. This link gives much more detailed info on power/screen options, but here's the direct steps:

1. Swipe-in from right side of screen and select the Search icon

2. Type..."Power" in the search bar, hit enter or tap the search icon

3. Tap on...Settings (there will be 9+ items listed)

4. Tap on...Choose when to turn off the display (towards bottom of the list)

5. In the box that appears, set up the screen time out as you wish for both battery and plugged-in options


Sat, 01/19/2013 - 11:44
TANK's picture
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I'll be migrating my laptop to win8 before the promo price expires, have an RT i got free as a promo and will be buying a surface pro here whenever they come out.  My phone is win7 but i don't intend on upgrading it anytime soon.

One thing that kind of irritates me with most of the new microsoft stuff is it's way to clicky, it takes too many presses of stuff to get to do what you want.  Used to be there was a time when microsoft's GUIs were much more efficient, you could do most things within 3 clicks.   It's  a royal pain in the ass using ZUNE on my phone while driving as one example.  Or if i'm in the sms messanger program on my phone if i want to get back to the list of all the texts after i've been reading a few, i most of the time need to exit from the app and reload it.  Otherwise i end up havign to hit back back bak back, i just get tired of it, where's the 'back to root' button? 

Anyway i'm still obviously a big supporter but the inenefficiency in GUI design isn't going unnoticed.


Sat, 01/19/2013 - 13:13
SoulTerror's picture
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We use Windows 8 on our help desk. Takes some getting used to.

Sat, 01/19/2013 - 16:54
Lbsutke's picture
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TMAN_UVA wrote:
Lastly, having been in this online community for nearly 7 years, I know there are quite a few wise guys out there (myself included), so I just hope that by opening up to helping this community that I don’t incur a plethora of snarky retorts or induce a flame war with Apple/Andorid/etc. fan boys since that wasn’t the intent of this post.  






in your 7 years I guess this is the first time you have posted or visited the off topic section, due to the fact you think you can avoid a snarky retort by just asking for it.

Suck it.

Android FTW

But all kiding aside. Thanks for offering to help.

Tue, 01/22/2013 - 21:28
SquatterBag's picture
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That did it. Appreciate it.

Thu, 01/31/2013 - 19:39
Nochnoi-Dozor's picture
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I just installed Windows 8 on my laptop, a few things just started happening about a week after install.  When streaming videos the audio will frequently get choppy/stuttering, checked my audio driver and it says up to date.  Next the screen contrast will start out bright and you can notice it dimming slowly and suddenly brightening.

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