Xbox One unveiled on May 21

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Tue, 05/28/2013 - 10:51 (Reply to #571)
CrypticCat's picture
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Autarch wrote:

A hard drive with a Universal Serial Bus connection will work as external storage.

There is no official word to suggest Kinect is "always watching"

What is the benifit to choosing to play a single player game offline if your Internet is fully functional at that time?

They've stated they're going to allow resale and trading of games, we're just waiting for details.


People use the Xbox 360 for entertainment beyond games already quite a bit.  Now, Xbox One will have considerably more exclusive and total games in its first year than Xbox 360, while still having entertainment options.


It's stupidly easy to check if something is sending network traffic using a router.  People would be able to verify the Xbox One cannot send network traffic while in standby mode waiting for the words "Xbox On".  There is no point in Microsoft trying to hide or cover up the grand conspiracy for the illuminati or whatever, because millions of people with a router could just check from their own homes to see what was going on.

Yeah, I wish I could connect a terrabyte HDD to my 360. Really make that thing my cassette-deck ^^. Connectivity in that respect is not going to happen. The system-wide DRM will not allow it.

About the Kinect and small-footprint data... I have videofiles on my HDD that are HD-full color, playtime of 50minutes, not larger than 360Mb. The Kinect doesn't need to take hifi snapshots of your livingroom, all it needs to do is to create a textfile of what it sees, a code that can be read at Redmond. Doesn't have to be more than 5Kb. Good luck seeing that pass through your router while you watch the tx/rx lights blinking. It's not farfetched, the patent-schematic for video-DRM clearly shows that the Xbone can make sense of what the Kinect sees. Creating a codefile based on what the kinect sees is actually the easy part, people don't differ much from eachother, a formfile is all you need.

On top of that, it is also extremely easy for any coder to have a program wait with sending data until another connected device starts sending packets into the world and to have it's unique data piggyback that. I mean, that's what spyware has been doing since like forever, afterall. MS has been fighting that about as long as there is spyware, by now they should be more than capable to implement those tactics themselves.

Yes this is pure conjecture, but the Kinect in the Xbone in my opinion is not there to heighten your user-experience. It is for MS more something like serendipity that it can be used for that too.

Lastly, you keep going on about the awesome exclusives you anticipate. Exclusive does not mean that this will be awesome games. Or even games that you want to have. The launch line-up is just there so that you can buy A game so that you can at least play A game when you buy the Xbone on launch-day.

For the record, I'm not a MS-hater. Far from it, but I'm also not an apologist fan-boi.

Tue, 05/28/2013 - 11:21 (Reply to #572)
Shadow's picture
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CrypticCat wrote:

Yeah, I wish I could connect a terrabyte HDD to my 360. Really make that thing my cassette-deck ^^. Connectivity in that respect is not going to happen. The system-wide DRM will not allow it.

I'm not sure what you are talking about.

Hard drives in the Xbox One are non-user-serviceable, but Penello confirmed that the USB 3.0 port is there for external storage, which can be used for everything the internal storage can be used for. That includes game installs and downloads. So, don't fret: adding storage will be just as easy as ever.

Tue, 05/28/2013 - 10:33
Autarch's picture
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If it does do targetted advertisement based on data captured (speculation and fear mongering is only confirmation of this so far), I'd be happy to not have to sit through feminine hygeine products being advertised on the screen I'm using.

I really do not have a problem with that whatsoever.  I am not scared or worried because advertisements on my screen will be different than advertisements on a woman's screen in Japan.

Tue, 05/28/2013 - 11:04
yaok888's picture
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I think Backwards Compatibility is not an issue Microsoft is a Business and it is not cost effective to spend money trying to force BC on a new console. yes - I agree with Auturch on this one. An emulator would just require too much hardware compromise and/or programmer budget. People who want to play their 360 library will just have to keep their 360s same for all the accessories, looks like MS just wants a clean break from the old .platform. everything about this still seems rushed though and I still want to read the fine print on their Terms of Service. If it still has the wording that all your personal info is fair game, then I will wait this one out.
Tue, 05/28/2013 - 11:26
Autarch's picture
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Cat, if there were just 1 or 2 exclusives in the first year, that means I have a far less chance of a game I want to play than 15 first party exclusives.  More games means more choices and a wide selection to pick the games that interest me.

If the system had one amazing exclusive only, but it was a genre I didn't like, that'd be worse.  That's why I'm glad there are many more exclusives and games in the first year, so I don't have to play genres I wouldn't normally touch out of a massive drought for games.  Just like I did on launch Xbox 360.

I didn't really think having more games to pick from would become a bad thing all of a sudden, but I'm starting to not be surprised by things I read after this console was revealed lol



Here is an image from a Sony patent involving PS Move.  It helps illustrate why just because a company patents something, does not mean they absolutely will use it.  Plus, without specifics, the Microsoft MPAA one could be a patent designed to prevent people from using a rented movie on an Xbox One as a way to make money in a movie theatre.  There is not enough information to make a sound judgement on if it will be used or not, and if it is how will it be used.  Any determination about it without knowing if it will ever be used is mostly knee jerk reaction.

Now for the neckbreaking Sony patent that clearly means they are becoming chiropractors because random speculation.

Tue, 05/28/2013 - 11:27
Lbsutke's picture
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And I have had enough.


Thanks for ruining a thread that had possitive constructive questions and turn it into the giant pile of shit it has become.


If you feel you perceived rights to act like a douchebag have been violated, I created a new thread to continue the weeping mangina fun. It will be easy to find.


Sorry to those of you that were able to maintain a sense of respect to others in this thread.




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