There's no way in the worl a Disney brat can turn into Madonna class.....
I'm not a fan of either one of these bubble gum pop wanna be's and am disappointed in myself for actually knowing who these people are.. However, Miley Cyrus can sing circles around Madonna of any age. Madonna was never a paticularly good singer or dancer. She's a side show who learned at an early age that she could get by on whipping out her tits and gyrating for the cameras.As for the shenanigans Miley pulled on stage the other night? It's nothing new, it's the exact same garbage this genre always pulls to get people talking. Which, low and behold they DROVES.....imagine that!
Madonna is a hack who's only talent is marketing herself and only remains relevant because of her "outrageous" behavior. Miley Cyrus actually has the musical talent but in the music industry that means nothing. She's become the same tit flinging jester like all the rest of them.
The only difference is Miley's only 20 years old, while Madonna's in her 50's and is still pulling this shit.
Madonna, whatever you think of her, did a lot with what she had. I'm not a fan, but she was never stupid.
Gag, is a wannabe Madonna clone and it's working quite well for her. Name another homely woman doing as well as she is in entertainment?
Miley is a bit overwhelmed with convincing us she's grown up. Yeah, she can sing, they all can, admit it or not. I think it's a shame she's forgetting what got her to the ball, but whatever. She's got tremndous talent, and sounds great in the country genre, but she see's the real money in pop, and that's where she's headed. If she does'nt crash n burn.
As for the lot of them, if they wanna look better, put their clothes back on and toss a bag over their head.
But really guys,this isn't a vent your spleen topic...
At his age, maybe, but I doubt it. He's a douche, and a douche that starts shit and then hides behind his bodyguards, or his door, or whatever else is handy.
The point being he isn't smart enough to NOT start shit he can't handle.
I'm not getting the humour Jones. Could you explain it to Parcells please and thank you. On second thought, its another stupid Miley Cyrus reference I really shouldn't be so concerned, shame on me.
The best thing to come out of that....what ever it was is this shop.
Funny stuff indeed!!Best part is in the background on the second one.
There's no way in the worl a Disney brat can turn into Madonna class.....
I'm not a fan of either one of these bubble gum pop wanna be's and am disappointed in myself for actually knowing who these people are.. However, Miley Cyrus can sing circles around Madonna of any age. Madonna was never a paticularly good singer or dancer. She's a side show who learned at an early age that she could get by on whipping out her tits and gyrating for the cameras.As for the shenanigans Miley pulled on stage the other night? It's nothing new, it's the exact same garbage this genre always pulls to get people talking. Which, low and behold they DROVES.....imagine that!
Madonna is a hack who's only talent is marketing herself and only remains relevant because of her "outrageous" behavior. Miley Cyrus actually has the musical talent but in the music industry that means nothing. She's become the same tit flinging jester like all the rest of them.
The only difference is Miley's only 20 years old, while Madonna's in her 50's and is still pulling this shit.
Azuredreams. I think you are taking all this a little to seriously.All this xbone/PS4 arguing is pushing you over the top. LOL.....
Not taking it seriously at all, I don't listen to this crap. Just saw someone preaching the merits of Madonna and felt I had to add my two cents.
But my 2 cents
is different to your 2 cents
Madonna, whatever you think of her, did a lot with what she had. I'm not a fan, but she was never stupid.
Gag, is a wannabe Madonna clone and it's working quite well for her. Name another homely woman doing as well as she is in entertainment?
Miley is a bit overwhelmed with convincing us she's grown up. Yeah, she can sing, they all can, admit it or not. I think it's a shame she's forgetting what got her to the ball, but whatever. She's got tremndous talent, and sounds great in the country genre, but she see's the real money in pop, and that's where she's headed. If she does'nt crash n burn.
As for the lot of them, if they wanna look better, put their clothes back on and toss a bag over their head.
But really guys,this isn't a vent your spleen topic...
Grown men defending pop singers... Damn this is funny.
No mention of 'ps4' in the thread title.
or the 1
I really can't stand them much myself....i wonder if anyone on here would defend....Justin Beiber...lmao
Who here with his age/money/celebrity wouldn't act like a douche?
am i doing it right?
At his age, maybe, but I doubt it. He's a douche, and a douche that starts shit and then hides behind his bodyguards, or his door, or whatever else is handy.
The point being he isn't smart enough to NOT start shit he can't handle.
Madonna can’t sing well? -> Blasphemy
Of course Canadians did away with the penny recently so my two cents definitely does not look like yours.
Lindsay Lohan won't sit with her....that's the deepest cut of all.
Justin Beiber & Miley Cirus = perfect match...lmao
Boogie2988 weighs in*
*no pun intended
Frances doesn't qualify as a grown man, overgrown maybe...
None of us REALLY qualifies.
if you ask our other halves anyway...
It was as if Madonna, Lady Gaga, Pink, and the Teletubbys had an orgy, and that was the retarded offspring
Jim Carrey wore it better on In Living Color!!!
I'm not getting the humour Jones. Could you explain it to Parcells please and thank you. On second thought, its another stupid Miley Cyrus reference I really shouldn't be so concerned, shame on me.
Can it, Parcells.