Thursday Series
Mon, 11/02/2015 - 13:32
Thursday Series
I ran in Grimms series last Thursday night and I had a blast but as it is an American time based series it ended very very late for litlle old European me. So I was thinking of starting a Thursday series of my own at either 8pm or 9pm GMT. I just need to see how much interest there is for this and how many people would like to take part. If your interested and would like to race just post below and if enough people show interest I can then hammer out the details.
im always ready for racing
Id be happy to include a euro division with the same process and organize it for all of you, just need someone to host it Just let me know
I'll update the main thread here on the forums. What time do you want to start? This week is a shakedown week with next Thursday being the start tot he season. I'll also make an announcement over on facebook.
sounds good. I may try to attend next week. We just need to get the word out. I'll post it on facebook tonight
Is this facebook a page or a group?
ooo, I want in....
I wouldn't be able to do Thursdays Fitz, or Tuesdays for that matter.
Hey Fitzy - I have updated the main thread to include the Euro Info. Let me know what night you want to run this and I'll update the info. Can you tell me who all raced in the shakedown event yesterday on the Euro side so I can get them set up in the scoring sheet.
I'll be laying a floor Fitz, I WANNA but no CANNA....that's all the Irish I know...or is that Scottish? It may be Scottish...