Too Much Multiplayer?
Tue, 04/24/2012 - 20:08
Too Much Multiplayer?
So I have been playing ALOT of ME3 MP lately.With so many other games out there I feel like I should have moved on already. I did not think I would have this much fun with it. Feeds on the collector obsession I have in me I guess. Those evil geniuses...
I came across this article and it pretty much sums it up for me:
With all that said, anyone up for a round tonight?
Yeah, I know what you mean. I had to force myself back onto KOA so I could try to finish that up.
I actually reached a point in the MP where I feel like i'm done. There's nothing more to be gained, I have the classes I want and the weapons I want. Sure I'd love to continue to collect M98 Widows but if you only want one single thing out of the packs, the pack buying system blows. I've done all the maps on gold, grinded my N7 to 300 and stopped and particpated in all the special events. AFter 170 hours just in MP, I'm good to move on, it's not 'drawing me' to it anymore.
I'm looking ahead to Diablo 3 at this point and filling the time grinding out the last 12 Onyx medals i need in Gears.
I still haven't done any gold maps. Successfully that is. Once I get that I'll be happy moving on to Diablo 3 next month.
It is funny to look back at this post. Over a month old and I am still having a blast playing this game. We have a semi regular group playing and I think that is the real draw for me. We ran two rooms last night, all on chat and it was a ton of fun. We needed just a couple more to fill them out. Anyone out there want to join us please jump in. We can be found on the AFOF ME3 clan list.
yep that true Slater and have to admit every time we get on we have a blast even when we fail LOL
It is funny to look back at this post. Over a
monthyear old and I am still having a blast playing this game. We have a semi regular group playing and I think that is the real draw for me. We rantwoone room last night, all on chat and it was a ton of fun. We needed just a couple more to fill them out. Anyone out there want to join us please jump in. We can be found on the AFOF ME3 clan list.No one will join. They are all in the COD and Halo forums bitching about those games.