Torchlight 2 - First impressions

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#1 Sat, 09/22/2012 - 08:49
Caduceus's picture
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Torchlight 2 - First impressions

I was in the open beta in the summertime and somehow this seems a lot smoother, more fun so far.

Perhaps because I know the initial basic layout of the lands.

I'm very early in, playing as an Engineer, a class I didn't select last time, and love summoning bots to do my bidding.


Sun, 09/23/2012 - 09:15
brigantine72's picture
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I'm having a lot of fun. I'm playing a Berserker.

For some reason I'm having issues logging into the multiplayer though even after I linked my accounts.

I like what they did with the gem crafting. The loot is ok, but it seems when I get a really nice piece It is for much higher level and by the time I get that level it is not as cool. 



Sun, 09/23/2012 - 09:16
Caduceus's picture
Last seen: 9 years 2 months ago
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I would agree I am getting more drops of loot that isn't useful immediately, then I hold onto it and when I ding level X, I'm much less enthused about it.

Sun, 09/23/2012 - 09:21 (Reply to #3)
brigantine72's picture
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Hopefully it starts leveling out as the higher levels come. I'm level 29 so there are a lot more to go. I found a unique chestpiece that is for level 39 and I hope it will be cool when I get there. I do like the shared containers though so you can give stuff to your other characters. 

Sun, 09/23/2012 - 09:32
Caduceus's picture
Last seen: 9 years 2 months ago
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Shared stash was present in Torchlight as well, though "down the street" from the character cache.

Sun, 09/23/2012 - 09:43 (Reply to #5)
brigantine72's picture
Last seen: 9 years 7 months ago
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LOL, never knew that!

Sun, 09/23/2012 - 11:51
Caduceus's picture
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Second update today.  Weird.

We had an issue which could wipe shared stashes when this patch was pushed. We rolled it back immediately, and issued an emergency patch an hour later.
That patch is now live and you should be OK.

If your character is corrupted after the patch(es):

Hey everybody! It's early early in the morning, but our first post-release patch just went live.
We have a list of other stuff we will be doing in upcoming patches, but we wanted to get one out ASAP to fix some initial issues-

Here's the goods!

*Fixed a potential crash bug when applying affixes and effects in certain circumstances
*Fixed rare crash when turning in quest in the Undercurrents.
*Put in protection against character save file corruption. Corrupted characters will not appear in the list of characters. (And thus can't cause the game to crash on load)

*Fix for Berserker geyser proc showing up as a mappable skill.
*Fix for triggering Shocking Burst and Arc Beam out of range while hitting shift that could cause chain casting.
*'Resist Slow' affix fixed.
*Proc affixes scale better with player level.
*Berserker 'Wolf Shade' now has the (intended) 60 second cooldown applied to all ranks.
*Fix for mistriggering when chaining two skills together when there is an early hit-frame.
*Safety check to stop any looping skills that get stuck in the 'on' state when the character is not performing a skill.
*Fixed bug with 'Poison Burst' procs (they should properly engage at more distant ranges).
*Fix for potential issue when units would queue removed/unavailable skills.
*Fix for having more than 100% reduction to charge decay or a negative flat charge decay.

*Made significant optimizations to particle collisions.

*Fix a bug when recalculating the price on objects to make sure the calculation is based on the correct data.
*Fix for bug where rapid clicks could misspend stat points.
*Removed access to console commands in multiplayer games.
*The game's login dialog now correctly allows passwords up to 64 characters long.
*Removed display of other users' IP addresses in multiplayer games.
*Removed Steam Cloud toggle in the settings file (it didn't do anything); the ability to toggle is available in the Steam client.
*Removed logging for achievements to potentially reduce some FPS drops for some users.

*Tweaks to various areas to prevent units from getting stuck.
*Changed lootable rocks to be non-colliding as they could occasionally block very narrow corridors.
*Fixes to some level scripting logic in the Frosted Hills.
*Fixed a bug that could cause multiple Tower of the Moon entrances to appear in the world.
*Implemented a few specific boss room pathing fixes.

*Fixed friends list based achievements.
*Spell-learning achievements now don't incorrectly trigger based on other players.

*Fixed several typos.
*Improvements to journal tooltips.



Sun, 09/23/2012 - 15:04
ATC_1982's picture
Last seen: 9 years 1 month ago
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glad i am waiting to play this game ...


Sun, 09/23/2012 - 19:28
Caduceus's picture
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It really hasn't been any fun at all, I don't blame you.

Sun, 09/23/2012 - 19:32
ATC_1982's picture
Last seen: 9 years 1 month ago
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why hasn't it been fun?

Mon, 09/24/2012 - 18:39
Caduceus's picture
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I was kidding.  Let me head into the back and reset the sarcasm detector.

Thu, 09/27/2012 - 05:54
LocGaw's picture
Last seen: 8 years 11 months ago
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Don't do it ATC! Play Borderlands instead!

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