Tue, 08/20/2013 - 23:03
Tune to Win is a very easy to read book about race tuning cars in real life.
As it turns out a bunch of the stuff applies to Forza. Not all of it but much of it.
So If anyone is interested I scanned the chapter about Race tires and uploaded it to google documents. The link is here:
IF anyone reads this and finds it useful let me know.
Some of the other chapters include lots of tuning info that applies to Forza but it takes awhile to scan them in, and post. So I won't bother unless others use and find useful the Tire info.
You will need to link to the PDF and not the image
Ya my bad I guess I should have double checked the link.
Link is now working properly
There is a chapter about load/weight transfer that is applicable to Forza, a section about Toe-in/stability/response, a chapter about "Rates and rate control-Springs and anti-roll bars", shock absorbers, a chapter about "Understeer, oversteer, stability and response" (this one has a LONG version of those "change this to fix that" charts).
There are little things mixed in throughout the book. Some of it you can find when searching through Forza tuning threads, and much of it you can't. Like I mentioned before if anyone actually uses the tire chapter I'll scan and upload more.
Awesome so far. I'd say weight transer is probably my worst issue tuning at the moment.
It really is good info.
In fact I'll go ahead and get the rest posted up over the next few days and then when I hear someone in the lobby say "I have no idea how to tune a car", or "I really don't know anything about cars" I can refer them to this thread.
"RTFM", or is that too Oldschool?
Maybe because I don't know what you are talking about.
Can't see it. says I need permission
Sorry about that.....Give it a go now...It should be fixed.
"RTFM", Read The Fucking Manual, how we used to annoy newbs in the "old" days. Back in Warceraft, STarcraft, Quake, etc...that and umm, alt F4 might work....
"I have no idea how to tune a car", or "I really don't know anything about cars" RTFM!!!
I uploaded another file. 14 pages on weight transfer the negative effects of weight transfer and how to deal with them. Not everything applies to Forza (we can't change suspension geometry) but several things do, and what doesn't apply to tuning in Forza directly IS info that is useful to keep in mind while "behind the wheel"
The entire chapter can be found here:
I made sure this one was public from the start so everyone should be able to view it without any hassle.
Fantastic stuff, thank you.
I am fascinated by the workings of the tire and suspension since I started dabbling in tuning back in FM2. 6 years after, I'm finally coming to grips (no pun intended) with Forza tuning but still learning/discovering new things with every new car. These 2 articles will fill in the missing gaps in my learning library.