Unit Registration open for unit founders with founders tag Aug 13, 2014
Unit Registration open for unit founders with founders tag Aug 13, 2014
Trying to find out who is the leader to get our unit and unit tag registred.
Just wondering how we plan to set things up? one unit one tag or one unit and tag for each lance (chat channel ie Forsaken Forth)
Greetings MechWarriors,
We are pleased to announce that we are now taking pre-registrations for unit names.
Please note all of the rules below before pre-registering.
- If you are a Founder: Pre-registration begins now on Wednesday, August 13th, 2014
- For all other Players: Pre-Registration begins on Sunday, August 17th, 2014 at Noon [PDT].
- You must pre-register before 11:59pm [PDT] on August 24th, 2014.
Pre-Registration Rules
- You must be the leader / owner of your Unit to pre-register.
- You must provide a Unit Name and Tag in the Application thread.
- You must provide a URL to your earliest Recruitment or Unit Info post on our forums.
- Your unit name must conform to the rules listed below regarding both content and Lore-based names.
Regarding Unit Names and Tags:
- Unit Names must be between 1 and 35 Characters long.
- Unit Names must be Unique. If another Unit has reserved that name, you will be asked to select another.
- Unit Tags must be between 1 and 4 Characters long.
- Please note: Unit Tags are NOT unique.
- Unit Names and Tags can only contain Latin Alphanumeric Values, Spaces, and the following special characters:
- A-Z [Latin Alphabet, upper-case]
- a-z [Latin Alphabet, lower-case]
- 0-9 [Indo-Arabic numerals]
- – [Dash]
- ( [Open parentheses]
- ) [Close parentheses]
- ` [Apostrophe]
- . [Decimal/period]
- [Space]
- Unit Names and Tags must not contain profanity or questionable language.
Regarding Lore-based Names:
- Unit Names may NOT be the same as a pre-existing unit in BattleTech Lore.
- Wolf’s Dragoons [BAD]
- Black Widow Company [BAD]
- Golden Keshik [BAD]
- 17th Donegal Guard [BAD]
- You can obtain a full list of filtered units and other blocked names here: https://docs.google....dit?usp=sharing
- Unit Names may NOT circumvent the Lore filter using methods including but not limited to,
- Replacing a letter with a special character.
- Black-Widow-Company [BAD]
- Black Wid0w C0mpany [BAD]
- Black Widow Company [BAD]
- Adding simple determiners or articles to the name.
- The Golden Keshik [BAD]
- A Golden Keshik [BAD]
- Some Golden Keshik [BAD]
- Changing the way numbering is presented:
- 17th Donegal Guard [BAD]
- Seventeenth Donegal Guard [BAD]
- XVII Donegal Guard [BAD]
- Replacing a letter with a special character.
- Unit Names can spin-off of Lore-based names, so long as they add a unique change or identifier to that name.
- Black Widow Company of Vancouver [GOOD]
- Canadian Golden Keshik [GOOD]
- Helmer’s Dragoons [GOOD]
- 42nd Donegal Guard [GOOD]
- Unit Names may NOT be the same as an organization, manufacturer, faction, region or planet:
- Helm [BAD]
- House Marik [BAD]
- Clan Smoke Jaguar [BAD]
- Periphery [BAD]
- Kong Interstellar Corp. [BAD]
- Clan Smoke Jaguar Competitive [GOOD]
- Kong Interstellar Security [GOOD]
- Knights of Marik [GOOD]
- Pirates of the Periphery [GOOD]
- Defenders of Helm [GOOD]
To Pre-Register your Unit: http://mwomercs.com/...istration-form/
For Discussion of Unit Pre-registration: http://mwomercs.com/...ion-discussion/
For Issues regarding Unit Pre-Registration: http://mwomercs.com/...s-and-concerns/
Edited by Nikolai Lubkiewicz, Today, 04:58 PM.
Typo: Unit names must be 1 and 35 characters, not 36.
I took the liberty to pre-register us:
Posted Today, 09:05 AM
Unit Name: Old Dragon Battle Group
Unit Tag: OLD
Forum Recruitment URL: http://mwomercs.com/forums/topic/104550-odbg-gamers-over-25yo/
Fanpage URL: http://www.2old2play...rums/mech-forum
And yeah, we should probably figure out who the
figureheadleader should be. Thoughts?I was looking through the forum & not sure if anyone was still playing MWO. So are you guys still playing MWO? If so, Sweet! I'm often on T,W,Th evenings 9-11pm Mountain time.
-- Dogcow
How many still play? Who should I send friend invites to?
Where do you voice chat at, raidcall still? (I've never heard of that).
BTW, my mwo name is dogcow.
-- Moof!
I think you just made yourself the leader Jonathon by registering the group lol.
On the subjectn of still playing... I am gonna try a be around a bunch this weekend. Just havent had good ;uck with my control scheme. Anyways see yas there.
Hope to see you this weekend poltegIce, nice choice of unit names oh great leader JP. All hail our great leader JP
Looking forward to dropping with you Poltegice.
General Paine..... Damn you Ferret! This is all your fault!
See Ferrets fiction for the explanation....
Congratutions 5 Star General Sir JP.
Congratulations Commander Paine. I hope to return to active duty soon. The lack of internet has been interesting...
See you all again in the near future!
So the unit is up and running, and I am feverishly paging through the Mercenaries Handbook to try to figure things out. First of all, apparently ridiculous for a Merc to be a general. Merc leaders tend to be Colonels, often with a Senior Colonel leading the unit. Darn you PGI!!!!
Yay I dodged that bullet! Just make sure you point me in the right direction, or I'll make a big mess in the wrong place....
Join us on Raidcall dogcow. We still play, just don't use the forums much.