UPDATED | 2old2play Launch Server Here. Click to join the guild!

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#1 Wed, 04/25/2012 - 13:06
badmin's picture
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UPDATED | 2old2play Launch Server Here. Click to join the guild!

The server we have chosen for launch is:


Gate of Madness


This is probably going to be what we stick with HOWEVER if things get too full and we can no longer support new 2o2p members we may decide to move.  

Please hit me up in game under the account name of Doodirock once you guys get settled.  I'll be giving Lalacalimari and a few others officer rolls to make sure they can also get everyone in.  If you'd like to be an officer and help with the guild structure let me know in game.  

See you all for HEAD START!

Wed, 04/25/2012 - 15:11
Pulsaris's picture
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I think I'll be picking this up, so you'll probably see me around for the beta.

Fri, 04/27/2012 - 09:53
raptormn's picture
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i shall be on, i shall be called raptormn. only a few more hours.

Fri, 04/27/2012 - 13:33
TANK's picture
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When you going live with the stream?  I've been watching some random guy play but I don't really get what's going on yet,


Oh you'll be happy to know PvP is in the game, this guy i'm watching is playing it right now.  I guess everyone is lvl 80 when you go in and it looks like it's capture the objective type.

Fri, 04/27/2012 - 14:08
Pulsaris's picture
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I'm on the server.... screenname is same as here


Fri, 04/27/2012 - 14:34
FadeIntoBlack's picture
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Stupid work meetings have me locked down until 5PST. :(

Fri, 04/27/2012 - 17:40
raptormn's picture
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server was full after 15mins past open. i am on jade quarry but i think i have been on the overflow server most the day dont really notice.

Fri, 04/27/2012 - 18:20
badmin's picture
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Server filled for most of us.  I think what we will do is wait until late tonight and then all transfer to a low pop server.  Right now everyone is really spread out until then.  Keep up to date on this post though!.

Fri, 04/27/2012 - 18:42 (Reply to #8)
TANK's picture
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admin wrote:

Server filled for most of us.  I think what we will do is wait until late tonight and then all transfer to a low pop server.  Right now everyone is really spread out until then.  Keep up to date on this post though!.


What's the stream link?


I"ve been watching various random people play today off and on.  The PvP stuff looks lik eit'll be fun for 2 minutes.  I'm more interested in the waundering around part and seeing what challenges are out there for a group working cooperatively.





Fri, 04/27/2012 - 19:43
Pulsaris's picture
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I've been trying to transfer to Aspen, but it keeps logging me out. I'm guessing it is full. ugh

Fri, 04/27/2012 - 20:47 (Reply to #10)
FadeIntoBlack's picture
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Pulsaris wrote:

I've been trying to transfer to Aspen, but it keeps logging me out. I'm guessing it is full. ugh


Its fucking awful here anyway, at least for me.  I can't get into half of my own personal instances and instants take 20 seconds to cast.

Fri, 04/27/2012 - 22:16
badmin's picture
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But the server's are down for 30 for patching.  

BTW we're going to move to a stable server ASAP.  I'm looking at Mundele as a viable option.  

Thu, 07/12/2012 - 09:19
mac79's picture
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I was not able to get into the beta, unless someone here gives me a hand. Wither way, I'll be picking this up. I hope to see the guys from GW1 around.

Fri, 07/13/2012 - 09:53
landdon's picture
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I think it's only for pre-orders only.  I may be wrong though.  If you do pre-order though you will be in every beta guaranteed.  There is a beta coming up very soon.  I think the 20th?  

Fri, 07/13/2012 - 10:40
mac79's picture
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I forgot all my log-in infromation for NCsoft to boot...


EDIT: Nevermind, got in and pre-ordered. See you guys on the 20th..

Tue, 07/17/2012 - 19:56
Sheriff_Bullock's picture
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I haven't posted on 2old2play in awhile. I frequent Geezer Gamers. I stopped by to see what server you guys were on, because I suspect your GW2 interest is about where our site's is: about 6-8 commited players. If our sites could play on the same server, and have a guild affilation, our combined membership might be enough to do some high-end dungeon or World versus World content after launch.

I just read that our characters and server info will be wiped for this final beta weekend. We were on Kaineng before, but we'd be happy to switch to whatever server you guys are on. (Fyi, another "mature" gaming site, The Old Timers Guild, run on Isle of Janthir.)

I'm so happy I get off work early on Friday so I can hurry home and beta it up. I am daydreaming about Guild Wars 2 far too much. :)

Tue, 07/17/2012 - 22:32 (Reply to #16)
FadeIntoBlack's picture
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Sheriff_Bullock wrote:


I haven't posted on 2old2play in awhile. I frequent Geezer Gamers. I stopped by to see what server you guys were on, because I suspect your GW2 interest is about where our site's is: about 6-8 commited players. If our sites could play on the same server, and have a guild affilation, our combined membership might be enough to do some high-end dungeon or World versus World content after launch.

I just read that our characters and server info will be wiped for this final beta weekend. We were on Kaineng before, but we'd be happy to switch to whatever server you guys are on. (Fyi, another "mature" gaming site, The Old Timers Guild, run on Isle of Janthir.)

I'm so happy I get off work early on Friday so I can hurry home and beta it up. I am daydreaming about Guild Wars 2 far too much. :)


Sweet man...a few of us old schoolers came over from GG in 05 or so.  Send a PM to doodirock for official affiliations.  He will be running the guild for 2o2p.  We are actually likely to have 30-50 people on regularly I would bet.  We have had those kinds of numbers for most of the big MMOs and all kinds of new MMO players are coming out of the woodwork for this one due to free to play and how epic beta has been, but the more the merrier.

Tue, 07/17/2012 - 23:44
Sheriff_Bullock's picture
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Sweet man...a few of us old schoolers came over from GG in 05 or so.

Yes. You became the South Korea to our North Korea. :)

Send a PM to doodirock for official affiliations.  He will be running the guild for 2o2p.

Okay. Will do.

We are actually likely to have 30-50 people on regularly I would bet.  We have had those kinds of numbers for most of the big MMOs and all kinds of new MMO players are coming out of the woodwork for this one due to free to play and how epic beta has been, but the more the merrier.

Wow. I had no idea your PC contingent was so strong here.

Maybe I'll see you this weekend then.

Wed, 07/18/2012 - 00:05 (Reply to #18)
FadeIntoBlack's picture
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Sheriff_Bullock wrote:

Sweet man...a few of us old schoolers came over from GG in 05 or so.

Yes. You became the South Korea to our North Korea :)


Holy shit...that might be the most apropos analogy for it I have ever heard!!

Wed, 07/18/2012 - 00:20 (Reply to #19)
Sheriff_Bullock's picture
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Holy shit...that might be the most apropos analogy for it I have ever heard!!

I can't defect completely from the motherland, for Dear Leader has given me so much. But perhaps I can have dual-citizenship and dream of reunification--okay, I took that anaology past its breaking point and destroyed it. :)

Thu, 07/19/2012 - 07:44
DasBoba's picture
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I just preordered this.  I can't wait to try the beta this weekend.

Thu, 07/19/2012 - 17:43
Sheriff_Bullock's picture
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I'm going to post something here that I've posted on two other websites. Consider me the Associated Press of Guild Wars 2. ... If you're new, hopefully this will help you maximize your time this weekend.



[b]Things To Do: Guild Wars 2 Beta Edition![/b]

1. First you’ll choose your race, profession, and customize your character. Then, you’ll start in a small (instanced?) tutorial area that teaches you the very basics of controls and combat. It takes about five minutes (or less) to finish the tutorial. After you’ll end up in the main explorable area for your race. (If you’re Human, this will be Queensdale.) The NPC with the telescope over his head is a scout. Talk to him and he will brief you on what there is to do in the area. You’re required to complete a heart task, which is usually something basic like defending a farmer from some bandits or collecting apples from an orchard. When you’ve satisfied the requirements of the heart task, you’ll be able to enter your city. (If you’re Human, the city is Divinity’s Reach.) Excluding the time it takes to tweak your character’s appearance, it should only take you 15-20 minutes before you’re in the city.

2. Every city has waypoints and points-of-interest. You get XP for discovering these. The cities are mammoth, full of life, color and detail. You will want to explore every inch of them. Every city has an Asura gate that will take you to Lion’s Arch, the hub city. Take a gate to L.A., and explore there. Then take a gate to another city (the other four are: Black Citadel, Hoelbrak, Rata Sum and The Grove), and explore those. If you get bored of your race’s early explorable areas, there’s low-level content right outside the other big cities. (I found the human areas, towns, and city the most attractive. Divinity’s Reach, in particular, is stunning. This weekend’s beta will introduce the Asura and Sylvari areas.)

3. One thing you’ll definitely want to do is travel to Lion’s Arch and go swimming. Find the ruins of the original L.A. underwater. If you’re feeling a bit of a daredevil, jump off the high diving platform on the cliff near the beach. L.A. is a pretty city, but it’s even more gorgeous under the waves. Also, see if you can find the Crow’s Nest bar in Lion’s Arch, or the pirate stronghold.

4. In addition to heart tasks, there are dynamic events of various size and consequence. Some events only occur as part of a chain (like, you can’t kill a centaur boss until you’ve cleared an area of lesser centaurs) whilst some events only occur if world conditions are met (like, certain characters and monsters only appearing at night). And then there are meta events, which is a storyline for an entire area. There might be two or more meta events per area, and each meta event is made up of five to twenty smaller events, branching in different ways. As you are exploring, you will constantly see NEW EVENT NEARBY! flash on your screen. Don’t feel pressured into doing every event you see, but you should experiment with the different types of events so you get a feel for how the dynamic content works.

5. Every player has their own personal storyline. A Human’s story is different than a Charr’s, and a middle-class Human’s story is different than an upper-class Human’s. The choices you make in character creation will determine how your storyline unfolds. You should play a little bit of your personal story, but you might find yourself unable to play a lot of it without leveling up first. (So far, I prefer the dynamic world content over the personal storylines.)

6. You’ve explored the cities, swam off the coast of Lion’s Arch, participated in some dynamic world events, and dabbled in your personal story. What else? Well, how about play around with your skills. I think it’s under the Hero menu, a button for PVP. You click on that and you’re whisked away to the Mists. Here you’re buffed to level 80 and all of your skills (including the elites) are unlocked. You can experiment with the entire skill set of your profession, and get an idea of what combat will be like at the higher levels. You may even want to create characters of other professions and experiment. This might give you a better idea of what profession to choose at launch.

7. Before the weekend is over, try World versus World. This is the mode where servers of 2,000+ players compete to capture camps, towers, keeps, etc., and build siege weapons like ballistas and trebuchets. Your experience in WvW may depend on the company you keep, as it’s pretty impossible to do anything by yourself. But, if you end up adventuring with a sizeable, capable group, you will have a lot of fun conquering points on the humongous map. When you enter WvW you will be buffed to level 80, but—I think—you are limited by the skills and weapons you’ve acquired in PvE. I loved my time in WvW last beta, even though our server was supremely outclassed.

8. There is a dungeon below the World versus World map called the Dark Room. Basically, it’s you and a torch trying to jump your way through a pitch-black obstacle course. (I haven’t found it yet. Someone said there is an entrance ‘below the lion statue in the north keep.’) Can you conquer the Dark Room?

That should be enough to carry you through the weekend. There's TONS of stuff to do, along with stuff you CAN'T do because you won't be high enough in level (the dungeons).

Fri, 07/20/2012 - 08:29
Sheriff_Bullock's picture
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I never got confirmation on which server to choose, so my friends and I will go with Fort Aspenwood for this weekend.

Only six hours until beta!

Mon, 07/23/2012 - 22:34
badmin's picture
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I limited my time this weekend because I really didn't want to spoil more of the game.  I probably only played for about 2 hours.  

However they were a GREAT 2 hours and I can't wait to play.

Tue, 07/24/2012 - 18:39 (Reply to #24)
Sheriff_Bullock's picture
Last seen: 11 years 10 months ago
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admin wrote:

I limited my time this weekend because I really didn't want to spoil more of the game.  I probably only played for about 2 hours.  

However they were a GREAT 2 hours and I can't wait to play.

I don't have your self-restraint. :)

I wanted to do more WvW this weekend. Unfortunately, ArenaNet detected a major bug causing all of their CPUs to run at 100%. This created massive lag, rubberbanding, etc. Their emergency solution was to cut the capacity of each server by half. That led to long queues, and many people didn't have the opportunity to play. Hopefully, this will help them avoid such an issue at launch. Also, they learned just having queues wasn't enough: you have to tell someone their status in the queue. So, expect status indicators for queues now.

I was able to spend two hours in the mammoth dungeon beneath the WvW map. This is a platforming dungeon, requiring very precise jumps to navigate through. I have no idea how far into the dungeon I got before I gave up. I wasn't about to spend hours doing it for an achievement I'd just lose at launch. But, it was really different. Also, the interesting thing about this dungeon is that it's wide open to other servers and their players CAN kill you. Not just face-to-face confrontations, but by manually triggering deadly traps. Cool stuff.

I took some videos during the weekend. I'll post the links later.

Mon, 07/23/2012 - 22:38
mac79's picture
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I never got around to playing, the downlaod kept being interrupted. Steam's summer sale was keeping me busy. Plus, I was almost reaching my bandwith limit for the month...

Wed, 08/01/2012 - 20:31
Sheriff_Bullock's picture
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There is a stress test tomorrow (Wed 8/2) beginning at noon pacific and lasting four hours. (Another stress test I'll miss because of work, but I'm not too broken up about it. At this point I just want to play the final game.)

Two videos I recorded during the last beta...

About the new feature, Vistas:


How to customize your chat interface:


Have the guild leaders given any more thought to what the server is going to be? This website http://www.gw2guilds.org might give some indication which servers will be skewed toward PVP, etc. You don't want to be on Crystal Desert. That server seems to be very heavily populated. I imagine long queues for WvW and forsee trouble getting everyone on the server at launch (lots of "server full" messages). This is just a sampling of some of the guilds and their chosen servers. Obviously, not everyone is represented on the site. If I run across a better guide to choosing servers, I'll post it.

Less than a month until launch! Are you excited??? :)

Tue, 08/07/2012 - 14:54
FadeIntoBlack's picture
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I am pretty excited but nervous about how much playing time I can find again...my free time is so cyclical...I'll have 2 months with free time and then 4 months with none.  Looking good so far though...I have been avoiding all of the latest betas so that the game is fresher for me.


I haven't heard anything on server yet.

Mon, 08/13/2012 - 20:25
Sheriff_Bullock's picture
Last seen: 11 years 10 months ago
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Choosing a server is important. You don't want a server that's too full, or you risk making it difficult for new players to get their accounts set up. Also, full servers mean queues for PvP/WvW. You don't want a server that's empty, because that's no fun. You don't want a server overrun by obnoxious brats. You may not want a server with a heavy PvP crowd, because they may not want to roll with the casuals. If you pick the "wrong" server, every member of the guild will have to pay real money to switch to a new one. So, server selection is worth serious consideration. I've done some research, and this is what I've learned:
TARNISHED COAST is the most crowded server. It currently has 68 guilds committed on gw2guilds.org. This is also the unofficial roleplaying server for super nerds that want to be their characters.
The next four most crowded servers are JADE QUARRY, SORROW'S FURNACE, CRYSTAL DESERT and FORT ASPENWOOD. Crystal Desert in particular was known throughout the betas as being super organized in WvW (i.e. they won all the time). However, I believe one of the hardcore guilds on that server is switching to something else come release.  I don't think you want to be on any of these. They're pretty WvW heavy.
SEA OF SORROWS is the unofficial Oceanic server. Lots of aussies here.
SANCTUM OF RALL is named for a deceased Guild Wars fan. I read that some guilds on this server are already planning unofficial events. I enjoy fan organized events. The ones we had in the original GW were a blast, particularly the rally for the Mursaat in Maguuma Stade. (Little did we know the developers programmed the mursaat to invade the outpost and kill everyone in it.) The Archivists' Sanctum [Lore] is on Rall. They're the big mythology guild, which I guess means they write essays and fan fiction based on the game's lore. (Gods bless em, but no thank you.)
DARKHAVEN is the server for the reddit community. I'm not sure what this means... I barely know what reddit is. I did find this on reddit:
The five least populated servers (for now) are QUARREL FALLS, FERGUSON'S CROSSING, DRAGONBRAND, ANVIL ROCK, and BORLIS PASS. You don't want to be on these either. Sadsack servers. :)
YAK'S BEND is of particular interest to me. This server will be home to The Older Gamers, 200+ members of the over 25 crowd. Also, Tempest (20+ age), Obsidian Fear (25+ age) and Pixel Pushers (21+ age). If we joined Yak's Bend, I think it might be known as the "unofficial adult gamer" server, which would be pretty cool. Yak's is also home to the guildwarsguru.com community, which may just be the largest Guild Wars fansite. They'll probably have some awesome unofficial events.  This is a casual/PvX server, toward the higher end of the population spectrum (#8) and it performed middle-of-the-road in WvW during the first beta weekend. (During the first beta, other guilds on this server include YogCast of YouTube fame and GameTrailers.)
I'm going to keep looking at servers, but so far I like YAK'S BEND the most. I wonder where The Old Timers Guild and Geezergaming.com are going to end up. It would be sweet if we were all on Yak's.
Thu, 08/09/2012 - 07:19
Tanith's picture
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By the way, there is a stress test today from 3-7 PM EST.


I think characters were wiped after the last stress test, so if that's the case I'll head on over to Yak's Bend.  Hope to see some of you there!



Thu, 08/09/2012 - 19:53
badmin's picture
Last seen: 8 months 2 weeks ago
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I"m still going to just wait till launch.  I want to keep it as new as possible!

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