Want a regular mf group?
Sat, 09/08/2012 - 20:05
Want a regular mf group?
I am trying to start a regular act 3 inferno mf group. At the moment I am running mostly solo with friends hopping in here and there but I want to run a full group for mf for the maximum effect and community success. I am willing to ammend my build to full tank to suite a mf group if we can get the people if your interested let me know.
I'm miles away with a act3 Hell Wizard...
cool I am on most days around 3pm-5pm PST Tag is Cust0m45#1388.
Just hit lvl 60, and the nephelem, paragon now makwes sense! I will be looking to add your tag!
I will be on tonight. I'll send you a FR. Havent been on all week due to work.