Weapon & Armor Discussion

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#1 Fri, 09/22/2017 - 15:59
Thom293's picture
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Weapon & Armor Discussion

I like weapons. And armor.  And talk about them.  Here is a place to do so. 

So, to start things off, I like to hear other people's experience with gear, so for now, what setups are you running pvp/pve?

PvP - Vigilance Wing, Last Hope/Last Dance or Valakaydn, Crown Splitter.

PvE - Frontier Justice or Call to Serve, Uriels Gift, Morrigan-D.

Uriel's Gift is the #2 pvp weapon and is pretty beastly, but at least it isnt MIDA.  Last Hope/Last Dance are as good as shotguns with ammo on spawn.  

Honorable Mention to Lincoln Green, if you like the high ROF pulses.  Its stats on paper are underwhelming, but it has a good recoil and large magazine and the highest aim assist (76) I have seen on any weapon.  Gets a lot of clean up multi-kills in pvp.  Very fun.

You notice I dont mention MIDA.  #1, I hate it.  #2 - 35% of Trial kills and 15% of Crucible kills are MIDA.  If you add the Mini-Tool SMG its 40/20%.  In a game with so many weapons and choices, no single choice should be that good.  Its broken as hell and needs to be nerfed or removed.  That is all I have to say about that.

Sun, 09/24/2017 - 09:29
DarthTabasco's picture
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Vigilance Wing is a beast in PvP - I love it! The thing about the MIDA is that you have to really pick your battles if somebody is using it against. If they get the first shot on you, especially at range, you better get to cover. I do think it's a little bit too good, so I'm surprised Bungie brought it back essentially unchanged.

Nameless Midnight is also VERY good in PvE and PvP, the explosive rounds are very useful. Merciless is also on the top of my list for boss-killing PvE stuff - and it's not bad in Crucible. 

Also good for all game types are any Rocket Launcher with Cluster Bombs. Try one if you haven't, you won't be disappointed.


Sun, 09/24/2017 - 10:36
hemihuman's picture
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Thanks for the recommendations, guys! I tend to get lost in the piles of guns, so I appreciate some help finding the gems. I had my first Vigilance Wing drop yesterday. It's not the sort of gun I tend to give a second look to (a pulse with a super-long FIVE round burst). Guess I'm too lazy to thumb down the muzzle as I shoot. But this gun dropped at such a high light, I felt obliged to give it a thorough try. Much to my surprise, it didn't take long at all for me to learn to turn the bursts into circular clusters, and I've been using it everywhere since. Lesson learned.

Sun, 09/24/2017 - 11:47
DEEP_NNN's picture
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I guess Sunshot has been my goto weapon. Every kill explodes and colateral kills explode. Die you dirty Thralls.

Sun, 09/24/2017 - 12:34
Thom293's picture
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With Vigiliance Wing, I highly recommend the chest kinetic recoil mod. Really makes a big difference on that gun. It shreds at medium range. It cant compete with Mida at range so I just turn the corner and go somewhere else.
Sun, 09/24/2017 - 13:37
BLAMnation's picture
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Haven't had Vigilance Wing drop yet; looking forward to trying it out. With so many weapons to choose from, I haven't settled on a preferred setup. Right now I'm trying Nameless Midnight/Sunshot/Man o' War for PvE. In PVP I put a sword (Steel Sybil for now) in the power slot and playing with several combos for the other two: Mida w/The End, Uriel's Gift, or Inaugural Address; Nameless w/Sunshot, Graviton Lance, or Mida; Sturm & Drang. I'm equally bad with all combos.
Sun, 09/24/2017 - 17:30
Thom293's picture
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Uriels Gift with High Caliber Rounds perk selected is really hard to beat. It has awesome stagger and very long range for an AR. I had a lot of luck with the Crucible AR too so much so that I saved 3 of them. But just experimenting with other stff. Makers Something-ish. I dont have Nameless Midnight yet and I hear its awesome, but I am terrible with scouts.
Wed, 09/27/2017 - 15:24
DEEP_NNN's picture
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I'm happy to see two of my favorites so highly rated.  Scatheloke and Hawthornes Field-Forged Shotgun.


Thu, 09/28/2017 - 05:20
OldnAchy's picture
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I think in general (because I am too old to think in specifics...) as we acquire more weapons we will have enough flexibility to create different load outs for each different adventure.  For myself in PVE I generally carry a scout kinetic (Mida for now), auto special (Uriels Gift -- what a great weapon) and either a hard hitting sniper for long range, fusion for mid range, or shotgun for up close.  Having access to the Destiny Item Manager on my laptop makes setting these up pretty simple.  I start with max light with the character I am using then move a few weapons around to get the load out I want for the task at hand.  I just haven't figured out how to create and save a load out that is available beyond my current session.

Thu, 09/28/2017 - 08:10 (Reply to #9)
BLAMnation's picture
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OldnAchy wrote:

I think in general (because I am too old to think in specifics...) as we acquire more weapons we will have enough flexibility to create different load outs for each different adventure.  For myself in PVE I generally carry a scout kinetic (Mida for now), auto special (Uriels Gift -- what a great weapon) and either a hard hitting sniper for long range, fusion for mid range, or shotgun for up close.  Having access to the Destiny Item Manager on my laptop makes setting these up pretty simple.  I start with max light with the character I am using then move a few weapons around to get the load out I want for the task at hand.  I just haven't figured out how to create and save a load out that is available beyond my current session.

Mida/Uriel's Gift is turning out to be a very strong PVP combo.

Re DIM - There is a little "save" diskette icon next to the refresh button in the toolbar at the top. I that is how you can save stuff persistently - you have to be logged in to Google Drive across your devices to enable it.

Thu, 09/28/2017 - 07:26
DarthTabasco's picture
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Achy is right. We have many viable options for weapon loadouts and there are so many good weapons, it's all about the encounter and how you choose to play. 

I've acquired most (if not all) of the FWC weapons and they are all fantastic. I also got the Vanguard (from Zavala) SMG last night - it's kinetic, but is a beast in medium/close range encounters. Sorry I don't remember the name.

Also, as the article DEEP posted mentions, don't ignore the Linear Fusion Rifles - they are a lot of fun and pack a nice punch.

Thu, 09/28/2017 - 14:57
Duke12's picture
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I discovered Scatheloke by accident during a PVP grind. Once I got the right scope equipped, it reminded me of Suros Regime. It almost doubles as a fast automatic scout rifle.

Thu, 09/28/2017 - 20:42
Thom293's picture
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I tried Sweet Business in pvp and it is awesome awesome fun. Especially paired with Actium War Rig. Probably not the best meta weapon, but gobs of fun.
Fri, 09/29/2017 - 08:46
DEEP_NNN's picture
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Anecdoetally, since the Polygon article released, Origin Story became a frightfully frequent author of my demise. I'll definitely keep one for inspection some day. On the other hand, I randomly tried out "Perserverance" auto rifle and it sent quite a few Guardians to bed crying.

Thus far, I'm not as afraid of Crucible in D2 as I was in the same time period of D1. It's not my cup of tea but I'm holding my own this time and it's not my balls.

Fri, 09/29/2017 - 07:37
BLAMnation's picture
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FWC dropped a Pleiades Corrector (legendary energy scout rifle) for me last night. Have yet to put it through its paces, but it could be as good as MIDA. Doesn't have Third Eye and lower aim assist, but it has a perk that temporarily increases damage after a kill. And it frees up the exotic slot. Gonna give it some side by side run in PVE with MIDA to see if it feels as good as the stats suggest.

Fri, 09/29/2017 - 08:20 (Reply to #15)
Thom293's picture
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I did 90% crucible thw last 2 days and have been getting killed a lot by Corrector. Seems to cause a lot of flinch. I went DO, but I hope FWC wins because I really want their Pulse. The DO one is lackluster.
Sat, 09/30/2017 - 11:01
BLAMnation's picture
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So. Many. Guns.

Can't test all of them. Interesting looking (stat-wise) get equipped or vaulted, everything else sharded.

I usually run about 1.0-1-4 efficiency in crucible. Played a game with Sturm and Pleiades Corrector last night and topped the leaderboard with a 4.33. Only one data point, but promising...

Sun, 10/01/2017 - 17:52
Thom293's picture
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My best combo so far is Vigilance Wing and Uriels gift. I really hate using Uriels as a crutch though and have been experimenting with Scathelock or Sweet Business and the Agenda 5 pulse. It is a long range pulse and has great heatshots. If your looking for something to experiment with its very underrated. Im not going to say its like Hawksaw, but its as close as I have found so far.

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