WeeklySaturdaySuperFunNightWithRoadsters (FINISHED)
Wed, 09/18/2013 - 20:22
WeeklySaturdaySuperFunNightWithRoadsters (FINISHED)
Hello there, and welcome to your weekly Saturday super fun event with topless roadsters. Hosted this week by your's truly.
Rules are simple.
-Must be full A600
-No aero allowed
-Vehicle type must be roadster. 2 seats with some sort of removable top. The top doesn't have to be down in game, it just has to be a roadster.
Everything else goes.
We'll start it off shortly after Grim's Lotus Cup.
See ya on the track!
Yes let's.
I might be out of town, on standby...
Yes please. I built a car and didnt use it
Ha! Thats where your wrong. It's going toward my Disney Vacation next year. We are doing it big this time. Getting a deluxe villa and everything.
Had a good time taking out the Roadsters, I enjoyed looking at the other roadster choices on the track, going off a few times because of it, Hope to be there next week.
I think the person cursing at himself every 2nd lap, missed the point of "SuperFunNight".
Although I've been in that boat before so I know how he feels. I'll bet most have.