What are you reading?

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#1 Mon, 12/23/2013 - 22:18
Raider30's picture
Last seen: 8 years 2 months ago
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What are you reading?

Just a general thread for people to comment in when theyv'e got something they are reading or into.  Didn't see an older thread that had the same concept(I'm sure it's there I just didn't see it, heh).


So getting started...


What am I reading....seems like some days the question should be 'what aren't I reading'.  Lately I've really been back into comics, bad for the wallet, but since I've got pretty much all the 'scape I need and there hasn't been a lot of new games coming out I gotta do something....

Here's a list of what's currently on my pull file:

Fantastic Four
New Avengers
Harley Quinn
Suicide Squad
Justice League
Justice League of America
Forever Evil
Indestructible Hulk
Green Lantern
Marvel Knights: Hulk
Imagine Agents
Letter 44

However, I've won some ebay auctions so I've actually been reading a lot more.  I hate to say it but ebay is a great way to jump into a complete series of books for relatively cheap(usually).  I picked up the entire run of Marvel Knights 4(Fantastic Four) - 30 comics for $15.  The entire run of Ultimate Fantastic Four, 1-60, for $34.  Thunderbolts(1997) 1-74 for $75.  A great way to get going on new titles.  

Plus I visited a local comic store that I hadn't been to in probably 10 years because it is a run down dump...however, in the back room I discovered about 20 long boxes where they just dump all their overload and "worthless" comics in no order, rhyme or reason, and they are all .50 each.  So I spent 3 evenings for about 3 hours each while my wife was out of town hunting through the boxes...kind of made me feel like a kid again, looking for stuff I needed and finding other stuff I just wanted to read.  My 11 yr old collects Incredible Hulk comics and he asked for some this Christmas.  I found about 40 issues he needed in those boxes.  Not a bad present for $20.  

Plus going through *every* *single* *box* I found a ton of stuff I wanted.  I found a Suicide Squad #1 from 1987.  About 10 old Doctor Strange from the 1974 run.  Some House of M stuff, some Siege stuff.  Some issues of Fantastic Four I don't have and a whole bunch of other stuff like the last run of Immortal Iron Fist among others.  Not a complete run, but enough that it makes me want to hunt down the rest of the series so I can give it a read.  :)

I've really been turned off by Marvel's damn near constant event cycle but through ebay and cheap sale comics I've been working to get the books involved in various events, since most of the time the event crosses into books I don't read or care about I don't buy them at the time.  But if you can latch onto some cheap stuff like The House of M 1-8 for .99 total, it makes it a lot more palatable to gather the issues involved(now many years later) and then read them in a group. 

Anyway, there's been a lot of good comics out there lately it seems.  The Thunderbolts Annual was excellent, everything an Annual should be, good art, a great self contained story with some cool story moments.  Letter 44 is a great concept and I'm really excited to see what the future issues hold for that one.  I was really excited for the Harley Quinn series, and I'll continue getting it for awhile, but I'm really unsure where it's going.  I *love* Harley Quinn's character in the recent Suicide Squad comics, but so far it just doesn't feel right in her own book, which I'm kind of bummed about.  

I could go on and on, but I'll shut it down for now.

Questions or comments on the titles listed?

 - Raider30

Fri, 03/21/2014 - 16:12
JZA's picture
Last seen: 10 years 9 months ago
Joined: 03/04/2010 - 23:00

Cool, hoping others might also respond to this thread.  Currently I've been reading a lot of the Authority and Planetary by Warren Ellis (just picked up that new omnibus), and also just got book 1 of 100 Bullets from the library so I need to start that.  As far as your list:

Indestructible Hulk - I need to break down and just buy these trades, I keep looking at a page or two every time I'm at a comics shop and it just looks great.  I've also been reading and LOVE Mark Waid's Daredevil, that book just kicks so much ass, so I definitely want to see how MW writes the Hulk.

Fables - I keep on hearing about this in relation to the Wolf Among Us games, and I like the concept but haven't had a chance to pick up a book yet. 


Anyone else have any other thoughts?



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