What is your favorite/least favorite thing about GoW3?

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#1 Fri, 10/21/2011 - 10:13
Double T's picture
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What is your favorite/least favorite thing about GoW3?

Just wondering what people's favorite/least favorite things about this game are? And what is keeping you playing or pushing you away? My favorite has got to be the hammerbust changes. I loved it in 1, a bit more in 2, and it is amazing in 3. My least favorite would have to be the ranked search setup. I prefer ranked warzone...but d/t the long interval between games I usually play tdm to make up for the interval with longer games. How bout you?
Fri, 10/21/2011 - 11:18
DarthTabasco's picture
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As a new Gears player, I would have to say I hate the shotguns. Yes, I understand they are part of the game and I can appreciate people that are good in CQC. I just find it VERY frustrating.


Favortie thing? I would have to say I really enjoy the maps. Epic did a great job on the majority of the maps - they look awesome and are fun to play. The alternating power weapon spawns are an interesting idea and keeps things interesting.


I just need to find some people to party-up with - it's frustrating and boring playing with randoms that don't communicate.

Fri, 10/21/2011 - 12:50
pooslza's picture
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try turning your sensitivity up some, seemed to help me in CQC situations.   and retro shits on shottys.

Mon, 10/24/2011 - 21:31
Janomi's picture
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Just finished up GoW1 & 2 on Insane over the last few weeks to get some achievements and I have to say that the franchise as a whole has gone a long way.

Love the new hammerburst, Horde 2.0, and Beast.  Arcade mode for 4 player mode in campaign is also a fun novelty.

A few things that I'm less thrilled about are the ridiculous requirements for some onyx medals and how to attain them.  Killing your nemesis a bunch of times or play as a female character, seriously?  I'd also love to have the option of joining public horde/beast rooms that are hardcore or insane (considering some of those are required for the onyx medal).  Not everyone has overwhelming friends lists that can recruit friends to help finish those medals.

Don't get me wrong, I'm loving the game but am just getting bored of the grind of some of those achievements.

Sun, 10/30/2011 - 09:21
Link020's picture
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I love how smooth the mp is now. Its very rare that I feel like I was taken out due to my connection which after a lot of COD is like a breath of fresh air. Horde.2 is great fun too and I can not wait for the new maps. Im spending my gaming time playing BF3 at the moment but I know I will come back to gears and get the DLC day one. If anyone sees me online send an invite. I hate the SOS but love it when I have the retro lancer and take them out as they charge towards me Laughing

Mon, 11/14/2011 - 16:20
TANK's picture
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I like the intensity of the battles, Gears is a CQB game and sure you can get into cqb situations in other shooters but they are nothing compared to Gears.  I also like that the small team size means you need to work together and support each other and actually think a little bit.  Run'n"gun doesn't get it done in Gears unless you're like to top 10% of all gears players and a wall bounc'in gnashing mofo.  Then maybe you can get away with long wolfing it.  In other games you're just a soldier in a battle with a lot of other soldiers, your death is meaningless.  in Gears your death is felt well... except in TDM.  But traditionally speaking with the original game modes, your death really mattered.


The #1 thing I don't like is you can't go in and play gears alone in a public room and have a good experience.  You always get placed on the loosing side because naturally if you're on the winning side you're probably gonna roll game after game.  And i don't think the matchmaking is as good as it should be, maybe that's just to make it so you get in games faster or maybe it's because the pool of people to choose from now post bf3 and cod is a lot smaller.  I wish they had a lone wolf playlist where it was just indivduals vs individuals , no parties, invites or joining on friends.  I'd play more if there was.  Instead i grind medals and play private matches alone while I wait for friends to get online and hope i can jump in with them.





Tue, 11/15/2011 - 07:57
buckeye75's picture
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The only thing I don't like is that I can never find a game on the fof list.  When I do find people playing, the room is full or someone is grinding out medals.  I'm one of the few who has no interest in Beast or Horde.  So if you see me online and I'm not playing Gears, I'll gladly switch as long as we're doing some mp.


note, if I'm playing a Kinnect game, it's most likely my daughter.  She doesn't play Gears.

Sat, 03/03/2012 - 09:36 (Reply to #7)
PoltegIce's picture
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buckeye75 wrote:

The only thing I don't like is that I can never find a game on the fof list.  When I do find people playing, the room is full or someone is grinding out medals.  I'm one of the few who has no interest in Beast or Horde.  So if you see me online and I'm not playing Gears, I'll gladly switch as long as we're doing some mp.


note, if I'm playing a Kinnect game, it's most likely my daughter.  She doesn't play Gears.

I am guilty of this and i apologize. I have no intention of Playing Gow again and will remove myself off the FoF list. It did come in handy when looking for people to play the Mass effect3 demo though. Way more then anything else.... strange....
Sat, 03/03/2012 - 09:47 (Reply to #8)
jwbeck's picture
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Gears 3 is the bomb when it comes to multiplayer.... That is all, now carry on with your lives...

Tue, 02/28/2012 - 18:27
CannabisMessiah's picture
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The DBS other than that the game is great.

Sat, 03/03/2012 - 21:33
JOK5TER's picture
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People who stink at the game.

Sun, 03/04/2012 - 13:20 (Reply to #11)
sradleye9's picture
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JOK5TER wrote:

People who stink at the game.


is that your favorite or least favorite?


I love how satisfying it is to get a kill in this game and i still giggle like 50% of the time when getting a headshot with the sniper lol.  this is the first game i have felt the least bit competant with a sniper rifle.

Sun, 03/04/2012 - 13:43
sradleye9's picture
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and killing someone with their own frag trap!!!  sooo good

Sun, 03/04/2012 - 20:25
ChelSD's picture
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There is something truly satisfying about popping someone's head off with a sniper shot.


I love the horde and beast modes! They're pretty damn addictive.


My biggest issue is shotgunners (although I'm guilty of shotty rampages myself sometimes) I prefer to keep my distance.

Mon, 03/05/2012 - 16:01 (Reply to #14)
LinkSmash's picture
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ChelSD wrote:

There is something truly satisfying about popping someone's head off with a sniper shot.


I love the horde and beast modes! They're pretty damn addictive.


My biggest issue is shotgunners (although I'm guilty of shotty rampages myself sometimes) I prefer to keep my distance.


I absolutely love that sniper headshot sound too!  Mmmm... Crunchy!


Wed, 03/07/2012 - 07:10
Bawbuster's picture
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For the most part I really enjoy the game, the online battles are very intense and most of the time there isn't too much lag.  My only few gripes are  1. They don't let you customize private matches very much.  How cool would it be if you could set it to chainsaws only or machettes only!!!!  And they should let you change teams without having to back out to the main menu.  2. I wish they would let you do beast mode with human players on both sides!!!!!

Thu, 07/05/2012 - 11:25
Bonecollektor's picture
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Got bored with the game there for a while but, I'm getting back into the MP. I would have to say I am getting irritated with the whole modded controller crap. That kind of sucks.

What I like? Hmmm....probably the fact I can hump the dbno. Teammates, opponents, dead bodies, cars, it doesn't matter. Being a dick has breathed new life into this game for me. XD

oh and don't play private matches with me unless you can laugh about team killing!

Fri, 07/06/2012 - 15:26
Gatsu's picture
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My favorite things: Horde, Beast

Least favorite: mp gnasher fest. I dig the MP in the game, but I despise how in the end its always a gnasher fest. Just take all the other weapons out of the game and call it Gnashers of War or something. heh. And all the gnasher only playlists don't help. Oh this weekend we're gonna have Gnashers only KOH with 1 shot pistols. Next weekend, oh look Gnashers only Guardian.....then the next week....well shit the bed looky thar! More hot sexy gnasher on gnasher action.

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