World Of Tanks XBox 360 Edition
Fri, 05/16/2014 - 05:37
World Of Tanks XBox 360 Edition
I don't see a clan or forum for this particular game and Im looking for mature people to play with. You can currently "Platoon" with up to three friends and in the future they plan to add more up to 7. Im not sure if I need to start one up or I just can't find the right thread or link on 2O2P.
IF anyone is interested in playing World of Tanks on the Xbox my GT is Adikt4lfe.
There are a few around here, including myself, who play this game. I'll point them to this topic.
Cool, thx.
Im looking for another Medium tier V and a tier V TD to team up with for this weeks tier V MVP event.
I would like to start or be in a clan for this game, I have a friend who would also like to join we are very tired of all the young kids and need a few more players they may soon be adding up to 7 people in a group
I haven't heard of a 2old2play clan for this game but maybe somebody else has.
I would happy just to find some people who play often enough to have a group. I haven't been on in a few years haven't finished reading all the updates yet so thanks for the heads up.
I usually play between 6-11 central time and have a variety of all tiers mostly 6 and above but do run lower as well I play td, heavies and mediums mostly
Thats the game i spend most time on atm, and im grinding my way to the Turtle of Doom.
I gave up on the turle of Doom since i cant become friendly with the t25 AT, so i switched to T25/2 instead.
Im running American TD line exclusivly and mainly the wolverine, Jackson, Hellcat and now the T25/2
playing on the European server mostly.