I am fucking FURIOUS about how this movie looks. The zombies are supposed to be slow! The book explains why fast zombies are impossible. The book wasn't even about Max Brooks, it was him interviewing survivors around the world.
If they had used a different title and stripped down all the references to the book (except for maybe a title card that says "Inspired by World War Z by Max Brooks"), they could probably avoid all the internet hate. Looks like a lot of people are annoyed that it's nothing like its namesake. I'll definitely see it anyway, it looks like it could be a decent movie on its own as long as I'm not expecting a true adaptation of the book.
I'm not sure why everyone is all bent that it's deviating from the book. It's not like the book was that great. By the way, the zombies do suck. Some of those scenes remind me of the aliens in Starship Troopers. Just piling on top of each other to get past a wall.
From the looks of it, it doens't look like it has anything to do with the book except zombies! It does look good tho, and I'll probably go see it.
Not digging the zombies.
If they had used a different title and stripped down all the references to the book (except for maybe a title card that says "Inspired by World War Z by Max Brooks"), they could probably avoid all the internet hate. Looks like a lot of people are annoyed that it's nothing like its namesake. I'll definitely see it anyway, it looks like it could be a decent movie on its own as long as I'm not expecting a true adaptation of the book.
I'm not sure why everyone is all bent that it's deviating from the book. It's not like the book was that great. By the way, the zombies do suck. Some of those scenes remind me of the aliens in Starship Troopers. Just piling on top of each other to get past a wall.
Looks more like World War 28 days later.
Just think, Brad Pitt is also making The Zombie Survival Guide movie