Game News

Squeeballs Party

Graeme Monk from Eiconic Games, Ltd. took time out of his busy schedule to talk with 2o2p about Squeeballs.

Jetson's E3 '09 Report (part 1)

As it turns out, 2o2p did have a man on the ground during E3. Here's Jetson's take on what he saw.

PlayStation 3 Price Drop Rumor: March 22nd is The Day

How big is 2old2play? We're big enough to have a community scouring the field looking for important exclusives and we're here to break a big one.

CoD4: MW Double XP Weekend

This weekend developer Infinity Ward is dealing out some Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare love. Friday, Feb.

Afterthoughts on Ninjatown with Shawnimals

Today we're visiting with Alex Kain (Venan Entertainment) from the Ninjatown team, one of last year's gems that might have been overlooked by DS gamers.

The Year Ahead for your Xbox 360

Already 2009 is looking pretty solid for Xbox 360 gamers. There are plenty of anticipated sequels as well as a few notable new IPs already announced.

Midway Sold for $100K

This hasn’t been a good year for Midway, and it’s just got worse! Sumner Redstone has sold his controlling stake of Midway for chump change, only $100,000.

Interview with NinjaBee on A Kingdom for Keflings

Today we sit down with Valerie Cope (Community Manager) and Kevin Heap (Lead Programmer) from NinjaBee, creators of the newly released hit, A Kingdom for Keflings (AKFK), for Xbox live arcade.

Star Wars: The Old Republic Announced

Star Wars: The Old Republic. Drink it in - that’s the official name given to the Star Wars-themed MMO being developed by Bioware and LucasArts.

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