Game News

Call of Duty 5, They’ve Found Success

Believe it or not, Call of Duty 4’s success may have something to do with re-igniting the franchise by taking it out of the stone age… or World War 2 setting.

Lots of News from Epic Games

Epic is certainly all over the news headlines today with a bunch of new tidbit from their franchise games.

72 Percent of the U.S. are Gamers According to NPD

NPD, the company famous for tracking sales statistics on video games and video game consoles month after month, has released their annual study on how many Americans are gamers.

Call of Duty 4 Map Pack on April 3rd

Infinity Ward has finally set a date on the release of their Call of Duty 4 DLC map pack titled ‘Variety Map Pack’.

Huxley Video Footage Uncovered

Just when you thought it was dead, Huxley makes a reappearance, and frankly, it looks red-hot.

The Sims 3 Announced

Oh, come on. It’s The Sims, and more importantly, it’s Electronic Arts.

Dead Head Heaven on Rock Band Tuesday

If you’re a fan of The Grateful Dead, this coming Tuesday, March 4, 2008, Rock Band owners will find six new songs by the classic cult band waiting for them:

Lionhead announces Fable 2 XBLA Tie-in Game

Lionhead announced the first Xbox Live Arcade Game that will tie into a retail release.

EA To Own NFL Licence Until 2012

Electronic Arts has released a press release that it will be continuing to ruin own the NFL and NFLPA license for years to come.

New Call Of Duty 4 Maps On the Way

FourZeroTWo, the Community Relations spokesman for Infinity Ward, released a statement on his blog today that states that new maps for Call of Duty 4 will b

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