Game News

Huxley Beta Announced

Huxley, the ground breaking Sci-Fi FPS MMO game is back in the news after going dark for over a year.

Ubisoft Joins Games For Windows Initiative

Many of us PC gamers have been wondering what's going on with Games For Windows, something Microsoft mentioned at E3 2006 and we're still waiting to see take off.

BlackSite: Area 51 - New Trailer at GC 2007

Midway was kind enough to forward us their trailer which they showed off in Germany this week. The aliens look rather large and evil and the battles look to be epic in proportion.

Meet The Soldier: Team Fortress 2 Trailer #2

Valve Software just sent us the latest Team Fortress 2 game trailer, this one defines the "Soldier" class in the most humorous way...

Halo 3 Clan Support And Longevity

We got in touch with Frankie at Bungie and asked them a few questions about rumors on Halo 3 clan support and how they expect to keep Halo 3 running as long as their last franchis

FIFA Soccer '08 - 10 Players

Electronic Arts just announced their new game feature called Be A Pro: Online Team Play (seems like a mouth full to say) which enables 10 people around the world to play in a single soccer ma

Rock Band's 10 New Track Announcement (Leipzig)

Harmonix and friends now brings the Rock Band track titles to 26 songs with their latest announcement at Leipzig today.

Developers Talk About Making A Great Franchise

Leipzig, Germany held a panel at the GC Developers Conference in which experienced developers were asked questions about making a hit game title. What goes into making a franchise?

Too Human Q1 2008

Silicon Knights sues Epic, Epic counter sues Silicon Knights but in the end, we might actually see a game through all this mayhem.

2K Games Lineup At Leipzig

Everyone wants to announce new information at the Leipzig Games Convention to keep their hype levels up. What games from 2K can we look forward to hearing about this year?

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