Game News

Developers Hit Hard by Earnings Reports

Today the market reacted to bad news from Sony and Microsoft and took it out on the game developers.

Unreal Tournament 2007 Expands Platform

Midway changes Unreal Tournament 2007 to Unreal Tournament 3 and expands the platforms to include PS3 and Xbox 360...

The Pope Condemns Video Games

Pope Benedict XVI frowns upon a society that plays video games calling it a "pervasive influence" on our children...

Record Sales Figures For Blizzard

In a single 24-hour period 2.4 million copies of Burning Crusade were sold - is that a launch success or what?

Blizzards Next MMO: Not What We Think?

Blizzard Entertainment vice president of development Itzik Ben Bassat spoke a bit about Blizzards future plans, albeit vaguely...

Gears Of War Quietly Rolls Out 2nd Update

If you log onto Gears of War today (1/22/07) you will notice that Epic has released a second patch available for download.

Halo 3 Beta Invites Going Out This Week

Bungie has updated the Halo 3 website to give a recap of ways to get into the H3 beta.

World Series of Video Games On TV

The World Series of Video Games has announced a partnership with CSTV (a CBS company) to air the 2006 finals...

New Call Of Duty 3 Maps Do Not Work

Its seems as though gamers who download the new Valor Map Pack for the Xbox 360 are in for a surprise. None of the maps work.

Neversoft Takes Over Guitar Hero 3

GameDaily BIZ has received an insider tip that Guitar Hero publisher Harmonix will not develop the next installment of Guitar Hero.

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