Game Reviews

COD World at War Beta Impressions

2old2play takes a look at the Call of Duty 5: World at War beta to give it's first impression. Does it live up to the COD franchise? Read on.

REVIEW: Star Wars: The Force Unleashed (Multi)

2old2play reviews Star Wars: The Force Unleashed for the Xbox 360. Could Lucas Arts finally have created a Star Wars game for the masses to love? Read on to find out.

Mercenaries 2 Review

Mercenaries was THE blow shit up game for the original Xbox and Mercenaries 2 doesn’t mess with that formula at all.

Battlefield: Bad Company First Impressions

Battlefield: Bad Company, by EA Dice, is set to release on June 23rd, 2008 for the PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360. The campaigns take place in a fictional Eastern

Age of Conan - Hyborian Adventures: A Review of the first 24 hours

As a seasoned veteran of the MMoRPG market, I must admit that I have been looking forward to AoC for quite some time now.

FIRST TAKE: Grand Theft Auto IV (360, PS3)

I’m about 12% on the completion level and I’ve been playing Grand Theft Auto IV for about 6 hours and I thought I’d share some of my first impressions before you get the full blown review.

Comic Con: Civilization Revolution (360/PS3)

For those of you wondering how Civilization Revolution translates to a console-style, fast-paced turn-based strategy game, and the answer is: exceedingly well.

REVIEW: Army of Two

The long wait has ended, and the next-generation “built from the ground up” co-op game is here!

Review: The Rebirth of Turok

Turok is a name some of us remember from the original N64 versions or even the not so popular Turok: Evolution seen on the Xbox and PS2 back in 2002.

Burnout Paradise Review: Xbox 360

A host of options and challenges, Burnout Paradise delivers mind numbingly fast arcade racer action on the very edge of control.

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