Game Reviews

Rock Band - The Review

So how does Rock Band compare to its cousin Guitar Hero 3 when it comes to rock'n? Take a look at our full review and find out who really wins this holiday seasons battle of the bands.

Mass Effect: Review

Riveting storytelling, interesting characters, great action, strategy, this game has it all.

FIRST TAKE: Mass Effect (Xbox 360)

Mass Effect is finally on the shelves, or our my case, dropped off by UPS, since the Limited Edition was available online only. So how does it stack up against only a few hours of play?

Assassin’s Creed Review

Half platformer, half stealth-action, Assassin’s Creed will undoubtedly make you feel like Batman, if only for a little while.

Every Extend Extra Extreme (E4) Review

Every Extend Extra Extreme (E4) should have been named "Extravagant Evil 4 Every Epileptic" The fast paced music, flashing lights, and various patterns are enough to put a non-epileptic person into a

Xbox Arcade: Tetris Splash Review

Tetris Splash is the newest iteration of one of the most popular puzzle games of all time. That being said, Tetris Splash is…well…Tetris.

Xbox Arcade: Word Puzzle Review

Ever wonder what it would be like if someone created a 3D virtual word search game.

Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare the Review

After multiple hours of gameplay, one bricked Xbox 360, a few hundred thrown grenades, and multiple airstrikes 2old2play finally gets a chance to give the community a piece of their mind about the

Castlevania: The Dracula X Chronicles (PSP)

It only took Konami fifteen years to bring one of the best Castlevania games ever made to the States, but good things come to those who wait!

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