Site News

Meet the 2old2play Community Liaison - Geekboy

In keeping with our mission to bring more community events to the public and 2old2play, we have brought on a couple familiar faces to help us reach our goal. Welcome, Geekboy.

Welcome 2old2play's New Editor-in-Chief

We wanted to take this time introduce our new 2old2play Editor-in-Chief, Tiffany "ElektraFi" Fary!

Meet and Join The Staff of 2old2play

With 5 plus years in the gaming community, the 2old2play team has gone through a lot of changes. We think it's time to reintroduce our staff and maybe find some new ones.

2old2play Vs PMS: The results

On Saturday April 9th the PMS clan Halo division and members of 2old2play got together for a night of fun, laughter, and some of the craziest game types I have ever played.

2old2play Vs PMS this Saturday!

This Saturday night 2old2play staff and members will face off against the fearless PMS gals in what is sure to be an epic night of Halo combat.

Gamers Gone Wild Raises $2000 for Childs Play Charity from Tron Console

The Tron Console was a huge success at PAX and on the site as 2old2play, SFX_360, and Emminentt help to raise over $2,000 for the Child's Play Charity. Read on to hear who won!

See Sucker Punch in IMAX in Reading, MA!

Here is your chance to win a pair of tickets for the opening night screening of Sucker Punch on March 25th at 9:30 pm at the Jordan’s Furniture Reading IMAX Theater.

Gamers Gone Wild 2011

Mark you calendars and save this date – Friday, March 11, 2011.

Xbox Live Community Playdate for 2o2p

That’s right 2old2play. We will be hosting an Xbox Live Community Playdate on January 28th from 8 pm to 11pm EST. The game -- Halo: Reach.

Happy Holidays 2old2play!

A Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to all 2old2play members and their families. We hope you have a wonderful and joyfully Holiday season.

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