As we move into the next phase of 2old2play we need to make some upgrades to the server. As such you might notice some down time this evening around 7-10pm Central Time.
Join the 2old2play Street Team on-site at Jordan’s Furniture’s IMAX Theater in Reading, MA for the midnight screening of TRON on Thursday, December 16th.
With the advent of the release of Halo: Reach and all the forging capabilities it presents, our local community of forgers is stepping up to design new and interesting maps.
So it turns out that when your community grows you actually need more then 2 people to run it. With that in mind, we decided to finally add some fine folks to the ranks of 2o2p leadership.
We just wanted to take this time to publicly thank the people at Microsoft, Sony, Sega, Gearbox, Popcap, and Tritton for donating all they did in support of the 2old2play LAN and the Child's Play C