“Why are YOU Buying Crackdown” Poll

Over at Xbox 360 Fanboy, they’re running a “Why are you buying Crackdown” poll to gauge the motivations behind the interest in Dave Jones’ latest unholy spawn of Grand Theft Auto III and The Incredible Hulk: Ultimate Destruction, and most of the people are buying it to actually play the game, though a good chunk of them are delighted at the prospect of the Halo 3 multiplayer stress test beta that the first shipment will include. Only 22% of the voters said they only cared about the Halo 3 aspect or weren’t buying it at all.

The interest in Crackdown, which hits stores today, on its own is chiefly due to the popular demo on Xbox Live Marketplace, and I suspect had there been no Halo 3 carrot it still would have been just as successful, just as there was no buzz about Dead Rising til its demo hit the Marketplace. What do you think?

Take our poll on the right hand side of the story and let us know.

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