What would you be willing to pay for a game console? Obviously for me it is at least $399 dollars, as I forked that amount over for a 360.
I can not see myself shelling out the $599 for a PS3, or can I? Many avid gamers have expressed a severe distaste for the high price of the PS3, as well as a staunch position that they will not buy one. Yet I submit many, if not most of us will. Why do I make such a brash prediction you ask? Take a journey with me into the past, and perhaps you will begin to rethink your position on the current price of gaming systems.
The Atari 2600 system was originally released in 1977 with a price tag of $200. This is sort of close to what Nintendo is releasing as the cost of their Wii. Now think about what $200 dollars might get a person in 1977. Certainly an awfully lot more than a person could get today with that same sum. My granddad would tell stories of being able to buy a soda for a nickel, today a soda goes for about a buck. Why would we not expect the same type of inflation to occur in the gaming industry? In today’s dollars, an Atari 2600 would market for about $672. So, ask yourself this question, what would you rather have for $600, an Atari 2600 or a PS3?
The 2600 is not the only console that would be rather costly if released today. For instance the Magnavox Odyssey was released in 1972 for $100, and today that same system would retail for $487. In 1979 the Mattel Intellivision sold for $299, and today it would go for $838. Sure these systems were revolutionary during their day, but hardly worth that price today.
After looking at all the inflation and past game consoles, I really began to rethink my position on the PS3. Prior to writing this article I found the PS3’s price tag to be laughable, but now, I see that I certainly will get more bang for my buck. This does not mean I am going to run out a buy a PS3 on release day, but I will certainly be more than willing to fork over the $599 now than before. This information puts the price of the PS3 in perspective. Sure it is more costly than the Wii and the 360, but is it really out of line when we take a look at console pricing history?
The Atari 2600 system was originally released in 1977 with a price tag of $200. This is sort of close to what Nintendo is releasing as the cost of their Wii. Now think about what $200 dollars might get a person in 1977. Certainly an awfully lot more than a person could get today with that same sum. My granddad would tell stories of being able to buy a soda for a nickel, today a soda goes for about a buck. Why would we not expect the same type of inflation to occur in the gaming industry? In today’s dollars, an Atari 2600 would market for about $672. So, ask yourself this question, what would you rather have for $600, an Atari 2600 or a PS3?
The 2600 is not the only console that would be rather costly if released today. For instance the Magnavox Odyssey was released in 1972 for $100, and today that same system would retail for $487. In 1979 the Mattel Intellivision sold for $299, and today it would go for $838. Sure these systems were revolutionary during their day, but hardly worth that price today.
After looking at all the inflation and past game consoles, I really began to rethink my position on the PS3. Prior to writing this article I found the PS3’s price tag to be laughable, but now, I see that I certainly will get more bang for my buck. This does not mean I am going to run out a buy a PS3 on release day, but I will certainly be more than willing to fork over the $599 now than before. This information puts the price of the PS3 in perspective. Sure it is more costly than the Wii and the 360, but is it really out of line when we take a look at console pricing history?