Achievements are a way of life for many X-Box 360 players. There are many sites dedicated to solely these badges of honor that merely grace the player with a bigger number, therefore increasing the size of his digital shlong. Gaining the coveted 1000/1000 to fully complete a game is an astonishing achievement in itself for a lot of games…
Everyone loves their Gamerscore, so they dedicate hours of effort to mundane and arbitrary tasks for a mere 10 points, just to be that much closer to “fully” completing the game. With the amount of games available and over 7 million users on X-Box Live, every single game should be “fully” wrapped up by someone huh? Well, not so much. is a site most know for writing up a forum graphic of their gamercard, but few people know it’s the hub for any and all achievements. While it won’t tell you how you get that special ranking in Hitman: Blood Money it will tell you exactly how many people have 1000/1000 Gamerscore, and who has 10/1000. It’s a very deep leaderboard, and with a lot of investigating, we found a bit of info that should make you Score-Whores go mental trying to complete this list of X-Box 360 games that NO ONE has… “thousanded”.
Numero uno on the list is Final Fantasy XI. A deep MMORPG with achievements any masochistic psycho would devote their life to. Crafting a character to level 75 is no easy feat, and FFXI forces you, should you aim for the stars, to level up every character class to level 75 for a mere 30 points per character. Ranking high in servers is no joke of a task either, and with a fair amount of places to do this, it’s no wonder these sickos still haven’t nailed 1000 yet. The top score on that list is 650/1000, likely stuck forever since these people have probably thrown the disc out their window. Will anyone ever complete it? You need to do a disgusting amount of work to do it, but come on… You live in a basement at mom’s place with no job/girlfriend… You can do it, we believe in you!
Second up on our list might come as a surprise to anyone who doesn’t actually own the game. Smash TV’s achievements (which top 200 Gamerscore) aren’t even worth trying, since no one (that is… NO ONE) will ever get the achievement demanding you finish the whole game without dying ever. Considering nobody has passed the 150 point threshold, and this is the only achievement these freaks need to wrap up this title, I can safely say that this one is out of reach. Stop trying.
While this one isn’t totally out of reach, three of you… three… have given your souls to Chromehounds in exchange for 1000 Gamerscore… Three. Three. 49 achievements that all require a ton of effort make this game one that a only a mere few have fully succeeded in… It’s not impossible, but damn.
This is only a few games we could find that were truly impossible… There’s a ton that a mere amount of Live users have indeed completed, but again, in small numbers. What have you guys got to say? Is there a game that you just can’t crack? Did we miss any? Have you come to claim that you’ve got the coveted the renound Smash TV acievement? Well you’re a liar. Anywho, check in, leave a comment and let us know!