With the near constant stream of great games over the last year, I neglected finishing my favorite FPS’ campaigns on the hardest difficulty, something I normally do in the first month. Over the past month, I have spent a significant time doing so with three games, Call of Duty 4 (Veteran), Halo 3 (Legendary), and Rainbow Six: Vegas (Realistic).
Playing each game at top difficulty in close proximity paints a clear picture of how developers choose different ways to implement “their” version of “tough”.
First, understand that I absolutely loved all three games on my first play through (on normal). On normal, each game can boast good enemy AI, challenging yet engaging gameplay, and an occasional tough section. However, ratchet up the difficult to the top and the design, AI, and gameplay differences become much more pronounced. Here is my take on each game in a few different aspects:
Method of Increasing the Difficulty:
COD 4 seems to take the “easy way out” by simply throwing more enemies at you while decreasing your available health. AI grenades feel more plentiful at the start of each encounter, but soon level back to normal. Otherwise, the encounters seem to play out the same as before. Not to say it is easy but predictable. R6V uses similar tactics by lowering your toughness and significantly lengthening recovery time. R6V only adds a few more enemies but, importantly, tweaks enemy placement into tougher tactical positions. In both cases, the developers tweak existing gameplay, but the result is a much harder game. Halo 3 seems to unleash the AI, giving it added aggression and better shooting accuracy. Add weaker shields for you and tougher ones for the enemy, and you have a different game!
Hardest to Easiest: COD4, R6V, H3 (note: without H3 skulls)
COD4 wins for being pure hell at times. In some sections, it simply seems impossible to beat and no amount of dying teaches you the right way to go. This stems from a game design choice to continue spawning enemies until the player moves forward. Unfortunately, this exposes you to immediate gunfire leading to the dreaded “death quote” screen. In COD4, there is no standing back in safety and picking off your enemies. On the other hand, R6V always feels beatable but you must set up your team and play carefully. Dying equates to learning what NOT to do next time. For example, during a section on Construction Yard I repeated the same section 12 times before realizing being stealthy for the first few kills dramatically improved my odds. Eventually, you will find the right strategy and getting to the next checkpoint flows easily. H3 is by far the easiest of the three. As long as you pick the right weapons for the upcoming section, repeating a section too many times is not a worry. The one exception is the “Cortana” level, whose difficulty is straight out of COD4.
Best AI to Worst AI: R6V & H3 (tie), COD4
The AI does not change much from one difficulty to the other on COD4 and R6V. On the other hand, H3’s AI behaves smarter. COD4's AI for Veteran simply sucks. Basically every bad guy in your line of sight will fire directly at you even if actively engaged with your ally standing 2 feet away. It seems a lazy way to make the game harder and negates flanking as a way to get surprise kills on the enemy. This choice with the lack of a cover system really makes the game a chore to play. R6V's AI gets kudos for realistically paying attention to my teammates' fire while I flank them. Additionally, the AI reacts ONCE I fire or it “sees” me, not before. The only problem I saw was that I could stealth kill an enemy right next to a buddy and he wouldn’t react despite the slumping body at his feet. H3's AI gets smarter with flanking and being aggressive, but its knock is that it still "sees" me too quickly. H3’s actual AI change is the most dramatic. However, since the improved AI only causes slight tactical changes, H3 ties with R6V.
Requires Biggest Change in Strategy: R6V, COD4, H3
Far and above, R6V wins this section. At normal, the teammates were a convenience to make the game easier. Very few sections, usually hostage rescues, required smart use of them. At realistic, you will constantly be setting them up for entries, picking their Rules of Engagement, and determining the best time to put them into the room. If you send them too early in the wrong situation, you have two dying teammates to revive. If you keep them outside too long, you’ll be flanked and hitting restart. In some sections, you will be forced simply to leave them out of it because tight quarters and heavy fire. Additionally, many sections require you to use the right equipment in the right places. Properly placed C4 or well timed smoke grenades are a must. Of course being a tactical shooter, this is to be expected. However the level of exactness from normal to realistic is striking.
For COD4, the design choices requires a hell of a lot different playing style. Unfortunately, I never really pinpointed the best strategy (other than luck). It is some mixture of cover, fire, kill, run like hell, hope you don't die, rinse, repeat. Finally, H3 requires two simple changes: take cover more quickly and pay attention to your radar to identify when the AI moves aggressively toward you. Otherwise, use the same weapons and methods as before.
Final Verdict, The Most Fun: R6V/H3 - Tie, COD4
It is unfortunate that COD4 falls to the bottom because on "normal" it would likely be my top choice. H3 is pure run and gun excitement. It never gets so hard as to become repetitive but it requires headshots, accurate grenade throws, and smart weapon choices. R6V requires planning, squad management, some trial and error, and crack shooting. Thinking and shooting is required for both. Sadly, COD4 simply becomes a practice of patience and eventually ends up as a joyless achievement chore.
Author’s Note: I have finished about 70% COD4 on Veteran while I have finished both R6V and H3 on the hardest difficulties. These assertions are my opinion from observations and contain no reference to actual developer choices.