Thought for the day


Shared on Thu, 08/17/2006 - 01:57

More than 15 Million children in sub-Saharan Africa will have lost one or both parents to HIV and AIDS by 2010. That is a frightening statistic. As a relatively new parent I find these statistics and other sorts of images and reports of disadvantaged children more unsettling than before my son was born. I project it on to my family. I hate the idea of my young son fending for himself in a third world environment. In fact, there was a picture on the front page of one papers a few days ago showing a 10-month old baby clinging to it's mother in the rubble of a destroyed Lebanese house. Both were dead. My son is 9-months old. I was almost in tears and had to turn the paper over. I still can't shake the image.

Children suffering is an adults shame. It's got to stop.


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