Shared on Mon, 08/28/2006 - 05:36Sunday did not start well. Our little lad was a cranky cantankerous little beast due to more teething problems. This is resulting in his nose streaming snot everywhere. He also has a slight cough so I think he might have a wee cold. He ranges from being perfectly happy and smiley, he has a beautiful full-face smile, to a litle demon that demands to be carried and hugged at all times. We left for the airport at 11am giving us plenty of time to allow my wife to check in for her flight to London for the connection to Mumbai. Thankfully Cameron (for that is his name!) had settled down and was much happier. Indeed, the airport mesmerised him, so many people to watch and goo at! We had lunch at the airport and the wee man made me laugh. Every time an anouncment came over the tannoy he would look up at the ceiling, looking for the woman that was making the announcments. I thought that was pretty good for a 9-month old to pick up where the voice was coming from. Mum said good-bye with barely a tear, dad set his jaw and refused the emotions like any manly man would. Cameron gazed round unperturbed. Then it was just dad and the boy for 6-whole days. The drive home takes about an hour and the baby roars and girns for 45-minutes of the journey before dropping off to sleep. Thankfully he slept for an hour and a half which gave me time to compose myself and fortify the defenses for the coming assault. He was good as gold when he woke up and happily played for an hour or so on his mat before the demon started to creep in again. I whisked him round to his uncles for tea and let his young cousins entertain him, which they did. The evening plan usually goes something like a bottle at 8:00 to 8:30-ish then settle him. Usually off to bed by 9:30-10pm-ish. Not so last night. I gave him his bottle as normal and the 9oz of milk was wolfed down. The teet was almost torn apart in the process. OK, the full tummy should settle him. Not so. Little boy wide awake and ready for play. An hour of play on his mat later he finally starts to get tired. I lie him on a cushion beside me on the sofa and he sings away to me for half an hour before zonk, he's gone. Sound asleep, out for the count, I put him in his cot and spend the next two hour going back and forward trying to settle him. I give up and go to bed, letting him sleep beside me. Don't worry folks, no danger of him being crushed, he sleeps at the head of the bed in line with my pillow so I can't possibly roll on him! (not that I could anyway, he's a big lad) Made it to 6am this morning so not too bad overall. No Xbox Live mind you and based on this night there'll be none for the week but one can but hope.
He was really cranky this morning but ate his breakfast and went to creche happily so fingers crossed for this evening.
- wellskelpt's blog
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Submitted by kweenie1969 on Mon, 08/28/2006 - 07:40