Now here is a good time


Shared on Mon, 09/04/2006 - 11:04
Recipe for no sleep: A hotel room with a 3-year old and a 10-month old.

Night one: 10 month-old Son wakes up at 1:45 because of whatever and won't go back to bed until fed (probably a strange place made him uneasy). He wakes up the entire room, mom feeds him, but now daughter is awake. He finally falls asleep and daughter starts crying which wakes up the wee one again. Probably get to bed around 2:30.

Son wakes up again at 7:00, this time we're all awake...

Next night, son wakes up at 7:00 to eat, and keeps us all up again. Now, both my kids typically sleep to 9:00am (not too bad considering they're kids).

Take into consideration the beds are not all that comfortable so getting a good night sleep is already tough, add to that screaming children and you have yourself a recipe for insomnia.

We're home now, after a weekend at "Story Land" where kids rule. Now its time for parents to rule again ;-)



Jmarps's picture
Submitted by Jmarps on Wed, 09/06/2006 - 12:28
Good ole Storyland. Non New Enganders aren't gonna get that reference...

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