Our little boy is all grows up


Shared on Fri, 09/15/2006 - 13:15

After this weekend, I'll have to change my blog photo.  My little brother is getting hitched.  We leave for VA in a couple of hours.  I'm the a-hole brother that misses most of the rehearsal dinner, but I'll be there just in time to take part in the rest of the 'night before' festivities.  I can't believe my little brother is getting married.  He is three years younger than me and I just had my two month anniversary last night.  Crazy stuff.

I'm picking up my tux when I get there, so all I have packed for the trip are my wife's dresses (that's right, two), a change of street clothes, two DS's (with Mario and Magnetica for the flight), and my PSP (with Armored Core, for when she falls asleep), and a couple of extra games (just in case).  I am bringing more game systems than clothes.

On the topic of Armored Core.  This game is turning out to be well worth my journey to get it.  I love when you stumble on a game that turns out to be a bunch of fun.  The matches are quick and fun to watch and it's a blast tinkering with your mech parts and AI to help tailor it to defeat the opponent.  I'll admit the load times make it a little frustrating.  You can't modify the programming in between battles without popping through three or four load screens. 


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