Wow, gonna be a BUSY weekend huh?


Shared on Tue, 09/19/2006 - 08:09

Wow, this will be a busy weekend for me. Jet Li’s Fearless opens this weekend. It looks to be good. If you like that ninja-esk, high flying kung fu type of martial arts combat. You know the type, where the combatants pull off gravity defying aerial moves that could wreck Volkswagens. Yeah, that’s the stuff! I hope to see it this weekend, but we’ll see.


In addition, the UFC is this weekend. I typically get all the UFCs. I rarely watch sports or any TV really, but I love me some MMA (mixed martial arts).     

So the card looks like this:

Matt Hughes vs BJ Penn – I have high expectations for this fight. For those who don’t know… Penn was Matt Hughes last defeat in the Octagon. BJ had been on a tear in the lightweight division and basically eat all the other UFC light-weights like they were dipped in chocolate. Well, then he got bored and decided that he’d gain weight and go up and fight w/the welterweights. Which at that time Hughes was the belt holder. Well, BJ put on the extra weight, got his chance and literally destroyed Matt Hughes in a matter of seconds. It was one of the most insane fights I’ve ever watched on UFC. Not because it was a good fight, but simply because it was a light weight, getting fat so he could beat up on the bigger kids. It was ugly. I also think it was a wake up call for Hughes because he’s been a better fighter since that upset. And he’s got his belt back, and now it’s time for him to vindicate himself from that past humiliation… or BJ will once again step back into the lime light. Should be a good fight either way because both of these guys, typically will go after the win. 


Mike Swick Vs. David Loiseau – Swick is deadly w/his hands, but so is the Canadian Loiseau. I favor Loiseau in this fight, but Swick has been on a tear lately. So he’s got momentum going into ring. And that equals confidence, which good fighters need to perform. 


Jason Lambert Vs. Rashad Evans – This one could be a yawn fest, but it may be decent. Evans is unconventional and comes off looking sloppy in his fights, but he’s been coming up w/some wins, so we’ll see.


Joe Lauzon Vs. Jens Pulver – Two Tasmanian devils in one ring. Nasty. Pulver is like a pit bull… and if the fights kept standing… I’m calling Pulver. On the ground… possibly Lauzon. 


Gabe Ruediger Vs. Melvin Guillard – Guillard is an amazing athlete, don’t know Ruediger. 


There are 4 additional under card fights, that may or may not be broadcast, just depends on how long the above fights last. It’d be nice to see Jorge Gurgel fight again. Some might remember him from TUF series on Spike. The kids tough, but he’s suffered some injuries in the past but looks to be in good form now. 


Not only is the UFC and Fearless this weekend, but it’s also Youth Sunday, and as the Youth Pastor I have to plan, run and coordinate the entire Sunday service at our church. It should be fun. 


So this weekend will blaze by me in a flash, and before I know it, I’ll be signing on to chat on Monday morning moaning about how short the weekend was and wanting it to be Friday already. 

Back to you Bob…


Go_Aachmed's picture
Submitted by Go_Aachmed on Wed, 09/20/2006 - 13:47
I love the UFC but have never ordered a pay per view. How much do they usually cost?
MikeTheKnife's picture
Submitted by MikeTheKnife on Tue, 09/19/2006 - 09:39
Whoah...I forgot Pulver was fighting again. Should be a great show. I think Hughes is going to wrap up Penn in the first round though. That guy's tough. I thought Fearless was another Jet Li movie from 20 years ago re-dubbed and re-released over here, now you've got my interest. I am going to go check it out. Great blog, man!
rabbmasterflash's picture
Submitted by rabbmasterflash on Tue, 09/19/2006 - 11:05
Man I love UFC
Grants's picture
Submitted by Grants on Tue, 09/19/2006 - 11:24
The Penn fight should be awsome! BJ Penn always puts on a great fight!

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