Today I stopped smoking!


Shared on Wed, 09/20/2006 - 03:39
... well, the tobacco anyways *ahem*

On Monday (Sept 18th) I was delivered a book on stopping smoking, by last night I had completed reading it (it is only 150-200 pages, and pretty quick to get through) and stumped out my last cigarette.  That was it.  None of this hardness over giving up, the 'stress' etc.  Just stopped.

The book is called "The EASY WAY To Stop Smoking" written by Allan Carr (EASY WAY being the name of the 'method' he describes).

If you are a smoker, and you want to quit it, then have a read and see if you feel the book makes sense to you.  He has been doing this for over 20 years now, and reckons his clinics and book alike have around a 90% success rate!  Pretty impressive.

I'm happy to say I am one of the 90% now.

There is no trick, no magic, no real hardship at all ... Just a new way of looking at the whole smoking thing.

I'll keep this blog up to date over the next 3 weeks - a time period in which, after much feed back over 12 years from his success stories, it seems the maximum amount of time for the 'cravings' (for what they are worth) to fully vanish.


doodirock's picture
Submitted by doodirock on Wed, 09/20/2006 - 03:57
Cool, Im interested to see if you can keep it up. For me, quiting was just a choice. I didn't have to do anything except want to quit. So for its been almost 5 years. Good luck, best move you could ever make
chilm's picture
Submitted by chilm on Wed, 09/20/2006 - 04:41
Cheers doodirock - in essence, that is one of the basic fundementals of the 'system'. The choice, belief in what you are doing, and not doubting that decision. I quit last year for nearly 9 months, which means I know what it is like not to smoke, how much better you feel etc. I have a lot of good to look forward to.

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