The Soul still burns...


Shared on Tue, 10/24/2006 - 06:08

So I just read a post about Dead or Alive 4 and I got to thinking. Man, that was the only fighter on the 360 that's worth anything. And it's not all that great. I mean I like DOA4, but it just seems a little wonky. I'd much rather see the Soul Calibur franchise make it's way over to the next gen box. Hell, I'd even settle for a port of Soul Calibur 3! The only thing it'd have to have is online multiplayer. That's a must nowadays. Which brings me to my next topic

Wheather a game is a JRPG, Yeah that's about it. Unless a game is a JRPG, online multiplayer (co-op or whatever) or some kind of multiplayer is a MUST! I don't understand how some companies and developers think that multiplayer is just an after thought. It boggles the mind. Now, I'm not big in the online competetive gaming arena (no clan membership card yet), but I understand that it is leaning more that way. And I accept that. Sorry, just had to say that. Don't know why. No one cares anyway.

Man, I need a new keyboard! Anyone got any suggestions for a good one that doesn't cost a ton of dough?


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