

Shared on Thu, 03/15/2007 - 10:24
I should blog more, I know I should. In all honesty, sitting down and taking the 15 minutes it usually takes for me to wrtie here is not difficult, it's the process of finding something I think is worth writing about that's the difficult bit.
Usually I sit and doze on the train, and something will stick in my head for me to mull over for a while, but I've been reading more and more recently, Alastair Reynolds' books in particular. It has a wonderful way of distracting me from the cattle-sheds that masquerade as Scotrail transport these days, but it does tend to blunt my own thought processes.

On another note - we are now officially Sequestrated. We now need to stump up the money for the equity in our house. When I say we, I do of course mean my girlfriend's parents. That has been dominating my thoughts of late, which have left me with little room for the enjoyment I usually have for work.

That'll do for now, not really in the mood to turn this into another whining semi-rant.


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